Questions tagged [model-viewer]

24 questions
1 answer

Three.js - get current skeleton bones position during animation

I have a Three.js project with an animation going on and I would like to find the skeleton bones position at different times. If I go for example to: and find the Three.js scene: const…
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1 answer

Remove blending effect from 3D models in AR Viewer on iOS devices

I have been using Model Viewer to add WebAR onto my website, On Android the models looks good and functions properly using ARCore, but on iOS, when using ARKit, the model is blending into atmosphere which is not what I need, How can I disable it…
0 answers

Google model-viewer + Rails 6 + Webpacker

I'm trying to get to work with Rails 6 and Webpacker but it's throwing some errors: model-viewer-legacy.js:272 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'exports' of object '#' at model-viewer-legacy.js:272 …
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1 answer

WebAR using model viewer does not work on Android

I am trying to build a demo of model-viewer using a simple box object. It works fine on iOS/Safari, but I am unable to get this to work on Android. On Android, it will not activate the camera, just shows the model in blank space, the model can be…
David Karasek
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3 answers

When I add my own 3D models to the tag in html for scene viewer the models do not load

I am trying to add my own 3D GLB models to the google scene viewer generic code. However when I replace the link to the chair model with a downloaded GLB model the model does not show up on the webpage. I have used my own models that I downloaded.…
0 answers

Quick-look AR button disappears on iOS when using google model viewer + svelte components

The issue I'm having is that whenever I try to use any svelte components or special html attributes, the quick look AR button does not appear with google model viewer on iOS. I know this is pretty specific but I'm looking to create an AR project…
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1 answer

How to solve "addEventListener" TypeError of null in ReactJS?

I am trying to use Google's model viewer to load 3D models. It has a button. But I want that button to be visible after the model is completely loaded. So, I used to use this Vanilla JavaScript code