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ML.NET is a machine learning framework built for .NET developers. Uses .NET and C# or F# to easily integrate custom machine learning into applications without the requirement of extensive prior expertise in developing or tuning machine learning models. Use this tag for discussion about the framework or apps built within.

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455 questions
1 answer

How to resolve the error "cannot import name 'string_int_label_map_pb2' from 'object_detection.protos'"

My friends and I are partaking in a hackathon and are stuck on this one tutorial on training an object detection model: But after three people have tried to…
3 answers

Why Label column is needed in

I have 20 million records of Dataset to train the model. Why Label column I have to add?
1 answer

ML.NET 10 Minute tutorial not finishing training model. Message "The thread 0xXXXX has exited with code 0"

The ML.NEt 10 Minute tutorial was followed and after compiling and executing the program is stuck and console is returning the following, endlessly: 'The thread 0x35f0 has exited with code 0 (0x0).' Is this normal behavior of ML.NET or is the…
1 answer

A simple Cosine similarity

Vectors contains one column, m rows : each row contains an array of n floats; I want to have a m x n matrix, transpose it and do there product I'm using C# Also, I read this from official documentation…
1 answer

ML.NET C# How do I get a list of predicted employee groups output?

is there a way to output grouped items using the prediction algorithm and clustering? here is an example i have a list of 50 employees and i want to put them into groups of 10 by predicting which employees best suited to work together in a group and…
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