Questions tagged []

ML.NET is a machine learning framework built for .NET developers. Uses .NET and C# or F# to easily integrate custom machine learning into applications without the requirement of extensive prior expertise in developing or tuning machine learning models. Use this tag for discussion about the framework or apps built within.

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455 questions
1 answer

How to predict/score XGBoost or LightGBM in .NET Framework 4.6.1 application

I have a machine learning problem where I have obtained very good results on training/test data using both LightGBM and XGBoost. The next step is to obtain predictions from one of these models into an existing C# application (.NET Framework 4.6.1)…
Petter T
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1 answer

Microsoft.ML --version 0.3.0 -- Unable to Get started with ML.NET in 10 minutes

I have follow the steps provide in ( to get started with ML.NET in 10 minutes. But on running the app. Console is through below runtime error. Unhandled…
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Structure of a binary tree

What i am trying to do: I want to display a tree. What i have done: I used to train a Decision Tree Model using the random forrest algorithm. The random forrest algorithm results in multiple regression trees, which i want to display. When i…
Sebastian L
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ML.Net fails to load a model from storage in MVC project

I have been playing around with ML.Net and wanted to integrate it in an ASP.NET MVC project. I have a console app that is responsible for training the model and then saving it to a folder on the server which the MVC project will then load it and…
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Multiclass Classification for time series in ML.Net

is it possible in Ml.Net make Multiclass Classification for time series?
1 answer

ML.NET Classification Many to Many

I need to use ML.NET to process large blocks of text and determine if any given block of text will potentially fall into some of many different categories. I currently have multiple boolean columns which I want to flag to true when matches are found…
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How to use Machine Learning/Vision functions to find frames in a scan of film strip?

I have recently taken up film photography. Part of the workflow is to scan the images using a flatbed scanner. Unfortunately this process is very slow. Using some software (Silverfast) you make a prescan, zoom in make a more detailed pre scan, click…
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ML.Net object detection and bounding boxes

I have created an image classification model using the Microsoft model builder. Now I need to use that model to detect objects in a video stream and draw bounding boxes once the object is detected. I can not find a c# sample that uses the generated…
1 answer

Transforming data on the same line while making a prediction engine on

While transforming one bit of data the line var dataProcessPipeline = mlcontext.Transforms.Categorical.OneHotEncoding(outputColumnName: "PredGoalsCoded", "PredGoals")..... but i couldn't find how to do multiple transformations on the same line so…
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Using package error "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"

While using package the error "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: 'Schema mismatch for feature column 'Features': expected Vector, got Vector Parameter name: inputSchema'" was thrown on the line "var model =…
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1 answer

ML.NET and Many to many relation

I want to use ML.Net Multi-class classification in my current project that collects error logs from one my company systems. Point is to add tags to errors and one point in the future train a model to predict and assign tags to incoming logs. I'm…
1 answer

Is it possible to do one-class classification with Microsoft ML.NET?

Is it possible to do one-class classification (wiki) with Microsoft ML.NET? I.e. in the training data set there is only one (the positive) class and I would like to tell if some test data belongs to this class or not. Can this be accomplished wiht…
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How to use String as a Predicted Column

Goal: Make a prediction on PaymentType. The target name or predicted column is a string value. Problem: I retrieve a error message that is "ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Training label column 'Label' type isn't suitable for regression: Text. Type…
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2 answers

Is it possible to find and count all 'cats' on a big image?

Can anybody help me with the right direction to complete my task? Problem: I have a big image with for example 10 cats and 5 dogs, how can detect and count all of these cats in an image? For the now my network that written on ML.NET can only…
2 answers

How to pass dynamic classes to a generic function?

I want to make a machine learning api for use with a web application, the field names will be passed to the api with their data types. Currently I am making a class at runtime with the code provided in this answer:…
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