Questions tagged [mkreversegeocoder]

The MKReverseGeocoder class provides services for converting a map coordinate (specified as a latitude/longitude pair) into information about that coordinate, such as the country, city, or street. A reverse geocoder object is a single-shot object that works with a network-based map service to look up placemark information for its specified coordinate value.

84 questions
6 answers

How to search MKMapView with UISearchBar?

I have an application that needs to have a similar search feature like the Apple "Maps" application (included with iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad). The feature in question should not be a hard thing to do, but I'm really clueless about how to input a…
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MKErrorDomain error 4 iPhone

I keep getting this randomly when I run my gps app I'm building. It doesn't happen everytime, and the coordinates passed in are always valid (i nslog them). Is there documentation for these somewhere? EDIT: CLLocationCoordinate2D coord =…
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The operation couldn’t be completed. (MKErrorDomain error 4)

I am using the MKReverseGeocoder but I keep getting reverseGeocoder:didFailWithError: "The operation couldn’t be completed. (MKErrorDomain error 4.)". I am passing the geocoder the coordinates of the MKUserLocation annotation. What does this error…
Kyle Decot
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6 answers

How to deal with MKReverseGeocoder / PBHTTPStatusCode=503 errors in iOS 4.3?

Since iOS 4.3 (GM Seed 10M2518) I'm getting crashes when using MKReverseGeocoder. reverseGeocoder:didFailWithError: gets called with an error like this quite often: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1011 "The operation couldn’t be completed.…
Martijn Thé
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MKReverseGeocoder causing EXC_BAD_ACCESS?

I have an app that is exhibiting an intermittent crash. The crash logs are showing a stack trace that is tough for me to decipher, so hoping that someone else has seen this and can point me in the right direction. Basically the app does a reverse…
Ben Scheirman
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MKReverseGeocoder server returned error: 503

Currently i am developing an iPhone application where i have to show user's current city and location for which i am using Mapkit Framework.When i build the application it works fine and show me the exact city details .But right now when i try to…
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Is there any existing Java library that allows you to do fast, in-memory lookups of zipcodes (bonus, state and city) from latitude/longitude?

I have seen many so-called "reverse geocoding" libraries in various languages; all depend on calling an external provider via REST or some similar method. However, you cannot call a REST provider if you must handle thousands of requests per second.…
2 answers

convert MKPlaceMark addressDictionary string encoded

I working on a example to using MKReverseGeocoder to convert lat,long to address. But when i received data and try to get the result i received string from as below: NSString *street = [geocoder.addressDictionary objectForKey:@"Street"]; I received…
Tue Nguyen
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iphone create placemark from latitude and longitude

I want to place "pins" on my map. I've got the one for the user's location. Now I'm downloading a feed of locations from the internet. For each one I receive a latitude and longitude. I want to place these all on the map. I know I have to use a…
Thomas Clayson
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MKReverse Geocoder - Response Language

I am using MapKit and MKReverseGeocoder in order to convert lat/lon to location. I made some tests and realize that the geocoding response language is set according to iPhone's selected language. How do I set response language explicitly ? I want…
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Problem in adding latitude and longitude value

when i change the latitude and longitude value of another location my app closes automatically help ? if (1) { CLLocationCoordinate2D cordi; cordi.latitude = 45.574779; cordi.longitude = -122.685366; MKReverseGeocoder *coder =…
1 answer

MKReverseGeocoder; Can i get the location only in english?

Hi there I am using corelocation in my app and everything works fine and well. Except that i would like to have mkreversecoder give me the location in english. Some parts of my app are dependent on the location, where by, it grabs some data from the…
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How many calls I can make to OSM's Nominatim instance?

I am developing mobile application which using google maps and I want to find users current address with device latitude and longitude (Reverse geocoding). Google have some limits and it will charge me once I go beyond it. Now I am looking on…
1 answer

cllocation and mkreversegeocoder

i'm try to retreiving city name with cllocation and mkreversegeocoder. in my viewdidload method i istance cllocationmanager: self.locManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init]; locManager.delegate = self; locManager.desiredAccuracy =…
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iOS and Maps: How to intercept a touch gesture, get the coordinates and retrieve the country name

I am developing a game in which the user has to select a country on a world map. I was thus wondering: what's the best approach to show an interactive map? I found this framework/component on the Web but I…
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