Questions tagged [mintty]

Mintty is a terminal emulator for Cygwin and MSYS, it is based on the code from PuTTY 0.60.

Project page:

In Cygwin, Mintty is installed as the default terminal by Cygwin's setup.exe. In MSYS, the mintty package can be installed with the command mingw-get install mintty. Alternatively, binaries for Cygwin 1.7, 1.5 and MSYS can be found on the downloads page.

Features include:

  • Xterm-compatible terminal emulation.
  • Native Windows user interface with a simple options dialog.
  • Easy copy & paste.
  • Drag & drop of text, files and folders.
  • Ability to open files and URLs with Ctrl+click.
  • Comprehensive character encoding support, including UTF-8.
  • Wide character display and Windows IME support.
  • Window transparency, including glass effect on Vista and 7.
  • 256 colours.
  • Fullscreen mode.
  • Options stored in a text file. No registry entries.
  • Small program size and quick scrolling.

Mintty works on all Windows versions from Windows 2000 onwards. Similarly to other Cygwin/MSYS terminals based on pseudo terminal ("pty") devices, however, mintty is not a full replacement for the Windows Command Prompt. While native console programs with simple text output usually work fine, interactive programs often have problems, although sometimes there are workarounds.

The Cygwin package ships with a manual page that can be accessed with man mintty. A PDF version of the manual is available from the downloads page. Invoking mintty with the --help option shows a summary of available command line options. Keycodes, control sequences and some random tips can be found on the wiki.

Please report bugs or suggest enhancements via the issue tracker. Vote for any issues you'd particularly like to see addressed by starring them. The discussion group for all things mintty is mintty-discuss. General Cygwin questions should be sent to the Cygwin mailing list.

Mintty is based on code from PuTTY 0.60 by Simon Tatham and team. The program icon comes from KDE's Konsole. Mintty ties directly into Cygwin/MSYS and leaves out PuTTY's networking functionality, which is provided by packages such as openssh and inetutils instead. A number of PuTTY issues have been addressed.

127 questions
13 answers

Git Bash (mintty) is extremely slow on Windows 10 OS

I installed Git on my Windows 10 a couple of months ago. It worked fine for some time. But now, it's running so slow. The git status command takes 7 seconds to execute, and git stash takes many minutes for stashing (even if there is nothing to…
Rohan Bhatia
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5 answers

No console colors if using npm script inside a Git bash (mintty)

Introduction Using chalk I have written a small console program for printing colored text, which I execute with NodeJS: console.log(require('chalk').yellow('yellow text')); The program prints the string "yellow text" in yellow. If I execute the…
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4 answers

How do i start Mintty and run a script file?

I wrote a simple CURL and put it in a script file. if i run mintty first and then "" it runs the script in the file just fine. Works perfectly. however, if i try to run mintty with any of the following command line, it will not run. I'm…
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1 answer

How do I upgrade MinTTY in Git for Windows

I appreciate that this is borderline off-topic, but it does "directly involve programming or programming tools" so I figure it's just about OK... I've just installed a newly downloaded version of Git for Windows, and noticed that in the Options…
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5 answers

Search in cygwin window buffer of Mintty

How to do a text search into a cygwin window buffer ? Is there a way to make the same kind of text seach as in Windows console buffer (right-click > search) ? (I use mintty)
Philippe Blayo
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2 answers

How to get colored output with git+mintty+mingw on windows?

I have installed the official windows git distribution, and I installed a recent mingw, and into that the mintty terminal. Then I have copied my git installation to this mingw installation, and now it works from within mintty. My only problem is…
Tamás Szelei
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2 answers

How to stop git add -patch not displaying prompt in mintty

When using git add --patch somefile.txt in cygwin I get a bizarre response. After first typing the command it waits for me to hit enter without displaying anything. Once I press enter I get the following output --- a/somefile.txt +++ b/somefile.txt …
James Robinson
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1 answer

How to get docker 'objects' completion on mintty-bash from git for windows

I have read (and tried) this: But it seems this is not the right way to get it on. Anybody know how to get docker completion commands in Mintty (from Git for windows) bash command line?
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3 answers

Set size of a cygwin terminal window

I have a small perl script, which is executed in a cygwin terminal and prints out a formatted table. On Default window size, cygwin will insert an line break if the text gets too long and thereby destroy the format of my table. Is there a way from…
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1 answer

How to add fonts in cygwin mintty

I wish to use additional fonts in mintty, I want to add Monaco font to my cygwin terminal. While mintty does help me to customise fonts and appearance. I cannot get to use additional fonts. I added Monaco from internet to my Control Panel\Appearance…
Saurabh Rana
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3 answers

how to automate cygwin and mintty

I currently have this under my shortcut C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico - after that is run i have to type in cd x:ENTER then i run a curl script which does not change. I tried to automate it by running the following command but it…
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2 answers

Unicode with Cygwin and MinTTY not working

I don't understand why unicode is not working in my MinTTY terminal. I am using Windows XP I have Cygwin v1.7.10 and MinTTY v1.0.3. Am also using the zsh shell (via "oh-my-zsh") I have set local to "en_US" and the character set to "UTF-8" in the…
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3 answers

How to configure the default shell in msys2/mintty?

I updated msys2 recently and found mintty always shows 'Shells (bash)' dialog before it invokes. It's little bit annoying to click the button every time, how can I suppress this dialog with fixing the default shell? Mintty version is mintty 2.7.7…
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1 answer

How do I fix the q command prompt under cygwin, using mintty?

I find that when launching q from cygwin underneath mintty, the console generally seems to work, however the q) prompt is not displayed. I am just met with a blank line. I have the latest cygwin, and the latest mintty terminal. Note that when I…
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1 answer

zsh prompt configuration for bold colour variants

I have configured my terminal (mintty on Cygwin) to bind colours to certain names, for example # (Excerpt of .minttyrc) Green=103,252,66 BoldGreen=53,228,11 BoldAsColour=yes This configuration works in that I can, for instance, access these…
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