Questions tagged [mintty]

Mintty is a terminal emulator for Cygwin and MSYS, it is based on the code from PuTTY 0.60.

Project page:

In Cygwin, Mintty is installed as the default terminal by Cygwin's setup.exe. In MSYS, the mintty package can be installed with the command mingw-get install mintty. Alternatively, binaries for Cygwin 1.7, 1.5 and MSYS can be found on the downloads page.

Features include:

  • Xterm-compatible terminal emulation.
  • Native Windows user interface with a simple options dialog.
  • Easy copy & paste.
  • Drag & drop of text, files and folders.
  • Ability to open files and URLs with Ctrl+click.
  • Comprehensive character encoding support, including UTF-8.
  • Wide character display and Windows IME support.
  • Window transparency, including glass effect on Vista and 7.
  • 256 colours.
  • Fullscreen mode.
  • Options stored in a text file. No registry entries.
  • Small program size and quick scrolling.

Mintty works on all Windows versions from Windows 2000 onwards. Similarly to other Cygwin/MSYS terminals based on pseudo terminal ("pty") devices, however, mintty is not a full replacement for the Windows Command Prompt. While native console programs with simple text output usually work fine, interactive programs often have problems, although sometimes there are workarounds.

The Cygwin package ships with a manual page that can be accessed with man mintty. A PDF version of the manual is available from the downloads page. Invoking mintty with the --help option shows a summary of available command line options. Keycodes, control sequences and some random tips can be found on the wiki.

Please report bugs or suggest enhancements via the issue tracker. Vote for any issues you'd particularly like to see addressed by starring them. The discussion group for all things mintty is mintty-discuss. General Cygwin questions should be sent to the Cygwin mailing list.

Mintty is based on code from PuTTY 0.60 by Simon Tatham and team. The program icon comes from KDE's Konsole. Mintty ties directly into Cygwin/MSYS and leaves out PuTTY's networking functionality, which is provided by packages such as openssh and inetutils instead. A number of PuTTY issues have been addressed.

127 questions
1 answer

What is the practical benefit of using Mintty via Cygwin Vs. Command Prompt (on Windows)

I have been using Putty for SSH connections and it works great. Now I need to do more local command line development and I found that Putty doesnt do that. Mintty is basically the local version Putty, from what I found, but it requires Cygwin in…
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Activator/Play commands make Cygwin bash commands invisible

I'm using Cygwin and any time I use an Activator command (e.g., activator run or activator "eclipse with-source=true"), any text thereafter is invisible. It's being typed, because if I hit enter, the command will be executed, but I cannot see…
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2 answers

MSYS2 does not source .profile

Using MSYS2, if I run msys2_shell.bat, mintty opens a bash login shell, but ~/.profile does not get sourced. Anyway if I run /bin/bash --login inside mintty, ~/.profile get sourced. Why? The same happens if I run path\to\msys64\bin\bash.exe…
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3 answers

Able to push, fetch but not pull

So I just spent ~ 4 hr trying to get an repo working under an SSH URL on windows, I'm almost there, but I run into this weird issue. I am able to use git push origin master git fetch origin master ssh git@github. #tells me authentication is…
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3 answers

Allow clicking in vim in cygwin

I am using vim, which I believe has a click function (you click, it changes the mode from edit, command, etc), however in Cygwin, you can't do that. Then again, I'm not sure if it's clicking is the thing in vim, let alone Cygwin. I am using mintty,…
2 answers

Opening PostgreSQL in Cygwin and MINTTY

I can't seem to open the interactive mode of PSQL using MINTTY or using the default Cygwin terminal, it just stalls under the command psql databasename and does nothing. The only way to get it to respond is to ctrl+C out of it. It works fine in…
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1 answer

Setting up emacs on Cygwin

I'm currently trying out Cygwin. I am trying to get emacs to open in terminal mode. When I run $ emacs -nw through mintty with the Cygwin shell. I get bash: emacs: command not found. I am running Windows Vista SP2 if that helps. I think you need to…
Anish Gupta
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2 answers

How can i solve the problem when closing git console that says "Processes are running in session"

I am currently working with the git commands. When I direct into my folder, where the git repository is at everything works. When i then say "git log" it prints all my commits. But then i cant type again any command. It just says: "no next tag…
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2 answers

Why does cygwin mintty type 8~ (tilde) on its own?

CYGWIN_NT-6.3 x86_64 I open and use a terminal (mintty) and every so often an 8~ or simply ~ will appear on the commandline. Why does this happen and how do I prevent this from happening.
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2 answers

Docker pull no progress bar on windows

on linux machine, or when I connect to boot2docker VM using putty, I can see this nice progress indicator when I'm pulling images: 1491ff176f58: Downloading [===========================> ] 1.481 GB/2.721 GB Unfortunately when…
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1 answer

Opening files into an existing vim session (Cygwin/mintty)

I am looking for ideas to open files into an existing vim session. I am working on Windows + Cygwin + Mintty. I usually have 3 to 4 opened terminals (2-3 vim sessions + 1 shell, build environment). I don't use tmux/screen because it's easier to use…
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0 answers

Can't login to heroku with mintty

When I run heroku in mintty (tried both mingw and cygwin) it's do nothing, no e-mail promt. But when I run heroku via bash (mingw or cygwin) it's act as expected (ask my heroku credentials). Whats wrong with mintty. Also tried with clear minttyrc…
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1 answer

Communicate with (Execute commands in) Cygwin(mintty) using python and get the output

We use cygwin in windows platform for some maintaining work. What I want to do is not only start the cygwin using python or start it and pass a single command. I want to start the cygwin, hold the session, then I pass a command to it if I need to,…
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1 answer

How to fix terminal emacs selection highlighting

I'm giving terminal emacs a go. I'm running it in mintty on Cygwin and rxvt on Ubuntu 12.04. I have a problem: selected text is too hard to read. Here's how the text looks in mintty with TERM=xterm (I use a slightly different mapping for blue to…
Barry Kelly
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1 answer

Run commands as administrator from cygwin / mintty

I am running mintty on cygwin in Windows 7. I have mintty.exe set to always "Run as administrator". I am trying to run cmake from within mintty to build a Visual Studio 11 solution. However, when cmake tries to do a test compile it fails, because…
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