Questions tagged [minimization]

Minimization is a subclass of mathematical optimization where given a cost or objective function, the goal is to choose the best set of parameters that will minimize the value given by this function.

457 questions
1 answer

Minimum cost of swapping chars in string so no 3 same are consecutive

I have a string containing only two char values: 'a' or 'b'. A char can be swapped in for the other char value. Each char in the string has an associated cost with swapping it. I need to find the minimum cost of swaps such that there are no 3…
Tom Finet
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How to create callable jacobian function for scipy minimize routine?

I can use scipy to perform minimization without using a callable jacobian. I would like to use the callable jacobian, but cannot figure out the correct structure of the output of such a function. I have checked online for examples; the similar…
2 answers

Use Tensorflow/PyTorch to speed up minimisation of a custom function

I do a lot of simulations, for which I often need to minimise complicated user-defined functions, for which I generally use numpy and scipy.optimize.minimize(). However, the problem with this is that I need to explicitly write down a gradient…
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how to store the output of Minimization

I minimize a multivariable function in Mathematica using Minimization. It works fine. I want to pass the output of the Minimization to variables in order to use them ahead. But I am missing something. Let's see it (the Etet function is defined…
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Scheduling optimization to minimize the number of timeslots (with constraints)

I'm working on a scheduling optimization problem where we have a set of tasks that need to be completed within a certain timeframe. Each task has a schedule that specifies a list of time slots when it can be performed. The schedule for each task can…
1 answer

Scipy minimize ignores constraint

I have the following code: def constraint(params): if abs(params[0] - 15) < 2 and abs(params[1] + 10) < 2: return -1 else: return 0 def f(params): x, z = params if abs(x - 15) < 2 and abs(z + 10) < 2: return…
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Dynamically fixing some variables when using fmincon

I have a MINLP objective function and I want to fix some variables value into constant as an example described below: A = [1 1 1]; b = 30; x1 = zeros(1,3); y=1; x = fmincon(@(x)objfun(x,y),x1,A,b); function f = objfun(x,y) x(y) = 1; f = x(1)^2 +…
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1 answer

fmincon with lower bound fails, even though solution is at initial point

I'm trying to minimize a non-linear objective function (my actual function is much more complicated than that, but I found that even this simple function illustrates the point), where I know that minimum is obtained at the initial point x0: fun =…
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Matlab Curve Fitting via Optimization

I have tried to follow this tutorial to fit a curve to my dataset. The equation for the curve should be f(t) = log10((wpmcoeff./(t.^2)) + ((1.038+3.*log(2.*pi.*1e6.*t)).*fpmcoeff./(t.^2))+(wfmcoeff./t) + …
0 answers

Utilizing scipy.optimize.minimize with multiple variables of different shapes

I am curious is there is a straightforward method for utilizing scipy.optimize.minimize with multiple variables that take different shapes. For example, let's take a look at a matrix decomposition problem. I apologize, but I will be using latex here…
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1 answer

Minimize error in homography matrix

I have a homgraphy matrix [h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 h9] I have transformed a point p1 to P1 using above homography matrix. Similarly p2 to P2 p3 to P3 p4 to P4 I know the diffence between P1-P2 = D1 P2-P3 = D2 P3-P4 = D3 Due to…
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Equivalent of MATLAB's patternsearch in Python/SciPy?

I am looking for a Python equivalent of MATLAB's patternsearch optimization algorithm. I ran through the SCiPy documentation but did not find something similiar. Do you know whether there is some patternsearch algorithm available in Python/SciPy? Do…
Sven Rüberg
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scipy.optimize show all iteration input and output values

I am using scipy.optimize.minimize to find the optimum value from a function. Here is the simplest example, using the built-in Rosenbrock function: >>> from scipy.optimize import minimize, rosen >>> x0 = [1.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.9, 1.2] >>> # Minimize…
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2 answers

fminbnd doesn't give the minimum value

I'm trying some built-in functions in MATLAB. I declared a function like this: function y = myFunction(x) y = cos(4*x) .* sin(10*x) .* exp(-abs(x)); end Then I use fminbnd to find the minimum value: fminbnd(@myFunction,-pi,pi) This gives me…
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1 answer

Loops to minimize function of arrays in python

I have some large arrays each with i elements, call them X, Y, Z, for which I need to find some values a, b--where a and b are real numbers between 0 and 1--such that, for the following functions, r = X - a*Y - b*Z r_av = Sum(r)/i rms = Sum((r -…
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