Questions tagged [job-scheduling]

A job scheduler is a computer application for controlling unattended background program execution (commonly called batch processing).

Today's job schedulers, often termed workload automation, typically provide a graphical user interface and a single point of control for definition and monitoring of background executions in a distributed network of computers. Increasingly, job schedulers are required to orchestrate the integration of real-time business activities with traditional background IT processing across different operating system platforms and business application environments.

1218 questions
4 answers

What tools are available to test JobScheduler?

We're implementing a Job via JobScheduler for background loading of data. The job will fire about once a day. What tools are available for us to test this functionality (possibly ADB)? Use cases are to be able to simulate the conditions required for…
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3 answers

Run a Jenkins job every one minute using H/1 * * * *

How can I run a job created in Jenkins every one minute ? Am I missing anything? PS: I'm trying not to use: */1 * * * *
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Alternatives to Quartz for job scheduling

Has anyone found any alternative open-source solutions to Quartz which they are happy with? I know Cronacle is a well respected (and pricey) closed source solution for job scheduling but I'd like to make sure we exhaust the open-source alternatives…
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What is Spark Job ?

I have already done with spark installation and executed few testcases setting master and worker nodes. That said, I have a very fat confusion of what exactly a job is meant in Spark context(not SparkContext). I have below questions How different…
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EJB @Schedule wait until method completed

I want to write a back-ground job (EJB 3.1), which executes every minute. For this I use the following annotation: @Schedule(minute = "*/1", hour = "*") which is working fine. However, sometimes the job may take more than one minute. In this case,…
Phil P.
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1 answer

SecurityException: Caller no longer running

I am facing below issue in Android O and above when trying to run my JobIntentService, I am having a tough time to reproduce the issue : Caused by java.lang.SecurityException: Caller no longer running, last stopped +206ms because: timed out while…
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Triggering spark jobs with REST

I have been of late trying out apache spark. My question is more specific to trigger spark jobs. Here I had posted question on understanding spark jobs. After getting dirty on jobs I moved on to my requirement. I have a REST end point where I expose…
2 answers

job scheduler in android N with less then 15 minutes interval

Part of my question, how I can set up a job with less then 15 minutes interval in "Nougat", was answerd by "blizzard" in his answer here: Job Scheduler not running on Android N He explained the problem and suggested to use the following workaround: …
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YARN not preempting resources based on fair shares when running a Spark job

I have a problem with re-balancing Apache Spark jobs resources on YARN Fair Scheduled queues. For the tests I've configured Hadoop 2.6 (tried 2.7 also) to run in pseudo-distributed mode with local HDFS on MacOS. For job submission used "Pre-build…
4 answers


What is the difference between DBMS_JOB and DBMS_SCHEDULER ?
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How do I see all MySQL events that are running on my database?

I have a MySQL database. I am running two MySQL EVENTs. I need to get rid of one. I don't remember it's name. What do I do?
Don P
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3 answers

Android JobScheduler onStartJob called multiple times

The JobScheduler calls onStartJob() multiple times, although the job finished. Everything works fine, if I schedule one single job and wait until it has finished. However, if I schedule two or more jobs with different IDs at the same time, then…
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3 answers

Design a generic job scheduler

I am trying to design a generic job scheduler to expand my architectural knowledge and ability to think about system design questions in interviews. So far, what I have come up with is below. Can you point out where I should work on to be…
1 answer

How jobs are assigned to executors in Spark Streaming?

Let's say I've got 2 or more executors in a Spark Streaming application. I've set the batch time of 10 seconds, so a job is started every 10 seconds reading input from my HDFS. If the every job lasts for more than 10 seconds, the new job that is…
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1 answer

How to best run Apache Airflow tasks on a Kubernetes cluster?

What we want to achieve: We would like to use Airflow to manage our machine learning and data pipeline while using Kubernetes to manage the resources and schedule the jobs. What we would like to achieve is for Airflow to orchestrate the workflow…
Ricky Lui
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