Questions tagged [minimization]

Minimization is a subclass of mathematical optimization where given a cost or objective function, the goal is to choose the best set of parameters that will minimize the value given by this function.

457 questions
1 answer

How can I bound type variable to integer in scipy minimization?

I use from scipy for minimization. Variable must to be 0 or 1. How can I do this?
1 answer

Minimize optimization with constraints from multiple sets of options

I am looking for a way to minimize costs with multiple constraints by selecting one option per group out of a large dataset with groups that each contain options. The dataset consists of around 100 groups with 200 options each. Below is a list of…
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1 answer

gmpy2.div gives TypeError: div() argument types not supported

I'm trying to minimize a function with basin-hopping algorithm in sci-py. Here is my code: from math import * import time import gmpy2 from gmpy2 import mpz from gmpy2 import mpq,mpfr,mpc import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import…
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1 answer

Constrained minimization in MATLAB

I want to solve a constrained minimization problem and I am asking for some help on how to structure the code. I understand that fmincon is what I should use by playing with the argument @mycon but I am struggling in adapting it to my case. Any…
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2 answers

How to allow minimifying of public functions names in Javascript?

I don't know whether there is a solution to this issue, but I have a large set of Javascript functions bearing long descriptive names, something like: function getTimeFromTimezoneInMilliseconds(...) { ... }; function…
Jérôme Verstrynge
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1 answer

How to minimize this function and apply it with backpropagation algorithm

I'm curently working with backpropagation algorithm For mining data. I'm trying to apply several algorithm from related paper to my cases. Here, I find that, one of them said that "Backpropagation algorithm is applied to update the weights(w, v) and…
1 answer

Not getting the approach in a minimization algorithm

Recently, I was trying to solve this dynamic programing problem, but somehow not getting the approach to solve it. The editorial to the problem seems very confusing too and i would understand how to think properly to approach this problem.…
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