Questions tagged [microsoft-speech-platform]

The Microsoft Speech Platform consists of a Software Development Kit (SDK), a Runtime, and Runtime Languages (language packs that enable speech recognition or text-to-speech for a specific language) that you can redistribute with your applications.

The Microsoft Speech Platform consists of a Software Development Kit (SDK), a Runtime, and Runtime Languages (language packs that enable speech recognition or text-to-speech for a specific language) that you can redistribute with your applications.

The Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11 provides a comprehensive set of development tools for building voice-enabled applications that leverage Microsoft's redistributable speech engines.

You can use the technologies and tools in the Speech Platform SDK 11 to give applications the ability to recognize spoken words (speech recognition) and to generate synthesized speech (text-to-speech or TTS).

Using this SDK, you can give users an effective and natural way to interact with your applications, complementing the use of mice, keyboards, controllers, and gestures.

The documentation for the Speech Platform SDK 11 includes a programming guide and reference sections to help you learn to use the speech application programming interfaces (APIs) to manage the Microsoft Speech Platform Runtime 11 and engines for speech recognition and TTS.

The programming guide and reference sections contain sample code, and additional samples are available in the folders where you installed the Speech Platform SDK 11.


62 questions
2 answers

Does the MS Speech Platform 11 Recognizer support ARPA compiled grammars?

How can I use ARPA files with MS Speech? The documentation for the Microsoft Speech Platform 11 Recognizer implies that one can compile a grammar from an ARPA file. I am able to compile an ARPA file -- for instance, the tiny example provided by…
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Difference among Microsoft Speech products/platforms

It seems Microsoft offers quite a few speech recognition products, I'd like to know the differences among all of them pls. There is Microsoft Speech API, or SAPI. But somehow Microsoft Cognitive Service Speech API has the same name. Ok now,…
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Microsoft Speech Recognition Platform

I wrote an app in C# for speech recognition using System.Speech which works fine on Windows 7. However I'm after creating the same app that will work on windows 2003 (x86). My programming environment: Windows 7 x64 Pro Visual Studio 2008 In order to…
Artur Kędzior
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Locking the computer disables speech recognition on windows 8.1

I work with SpeechRecognitionEngine from the namespace System.Speech in inproc-mode for doing some automation work. The speech recognition is started via RecognizeAsync. It works fine, however, when the computer gets locked, speech recognition…
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Microsoft Speech in .net core 3.0

I've used Microsoft Speech previously (not sure which version it was) with .net framework and it did work. I don't have that project on my PC now. I've downloaded and installed the Runtime 11 and SDK 11 and referenced the .dll in my .net core 3.0…
3 answers

The language for the grammar does not match the language of the speech recognizer

Good day! It is about Microsoft Server Speech SDK v11.0 (Server version). I have run test example at MSDN sample . So English phrases -red,blue - recognized well. But I want to recognize Russian language too -install Microsoft Speech Recognition…
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Microsoft Speech Recognition: Alternate results with confidence score?

I'm new to working with the Microsoft.Speech recognizer (using Microsoft Speech Platform SDK Version 11) and I'm trying to have it output the n-best recognition matches from a simple grammar, along with the confidence score for each. According to…
3 answers

Unable to correctly install MS Speech Platform 11 on Win 7 x64

so I'm trying to get up and running MS Speech Platform 11 + SDK + Russian Language for TTS and SR Installing SpeechPlatformRuntime.x64.msi Installing MicrosoftSpeechPlatformSDK.x64.msi --- Both goes to correct "Program Files" folder. Installing…
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Recently installed Microsoft Speech voices not available

I have installed the Microsoft Speech Platform runtime from and some runtime languages from, but when I try to check the…
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Speech Recognition: Result.Semantic.ContainsKey is always false when reading grammar from xml file

I'm studying the Microsoft.Speech library. It is similar to the System.Speech library. I'm stuck with a problem and I think this might be a bug. I was trying to use e.Result.Semantic.ContainsKey("DestinationCity") to determine if it has the key or…
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What is the difference between System.Speech.Synthesis and Microsoft.Speech.Synthesis?

I am currently developing a small program in C# implementing Text-To-Speech. However, I found out that there are two namespaces which can be used: System.Speech.Synthesis Microsoft.Speech.Synthesis I googled for the differences and found this post…
4 answers

SpeechSynthesizer.SelectVoice() Fails with "No matching voice is installed or the voice was disabled"

I am modifying Scott Hanselman's BabySmash code to support other languages. I installed the speech platform and a new language per these steps. The language now shows up in the registry: The language can now be selected and played by…
1 answer

Too many grammars in Microsoft Speech SDK 11

I write simple speech recognition app wich can load grammars into engine. But i see, that can not load many grammars into engine not more then 1024 grammars. Additional information: Too many grammars have been loaded. Number of grammars cannot…
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Cancel a .Speak with Microsoft.Speech

I'm having an application that uses Microsoft.Speech for TTS. I'm having problems with my TTS, if the stream gets d/c'ed before its done. public void SpeakTest() { PromptBuilder prompt = new PromptBuilder(); prompt.AppendText("This is a test…
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Speech Recognition is not available on this system. SAPI and Speech Recognition engines cannot be found

Good day! I try to write simple speech to text engine use Speech SDK 11. So try to execute test from this example . So , i just create console app and run code. (with task) Task speechRecognizer = new Task(DoWork); …
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