Questions tagged [microsoft-speech-platform]

The Microsoft Speech Platform consists of a Software Development Kit (SDK), a Runtime, and Runtime Languages (language packs that enable speech recognition or text-to-speech for a specific language) that you can redistribute with your applications.

The Microsoft Speech Platform consists of a Software Development Kit (SDK), a Runtime, and Runtime Languages (language packs that enable speech recognition or text-to-speech for a specific language) that you can redistribute with your applications.

The Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11 provides a comprehensive set of development tools for building voice-enabled applications that leverage Microsoft's redistributable speech engines.

You can use the technologies and tools in the Speech Platform SDK 11 to give applications the ability to recognize spoken words (speech recognition) and to generate synthesized speech (text-to-speech or TTS).

Using this SDK, you can give users an effective and natural way to interact with your applications, complementing the use of mice, keyboards, controllers, and gestures.

The documentation for the Speech Platform SDK 11 includes a programming guide and reference sections to help you learn to use the speech application programming interfaces (APIs) to manage the Microsoft Speech Platform Runtime 11 and engines for speech recognition and TTS.

The programming guide and reference sections contain sample code, and additional samples are available in the folders where you installed the Speech Platform SDK 11.


62 questions
1 answer

Using Microsoft Speech Platform SDK v11.0 can not speak Chinese

I just followed the MSDN Installation, installed the "MSSpeech_TTS_zh-CN_HuiHui.msi" & "MSSpeech_SR_zh-CN_TELE.msi", and ran the Sample, English voice works well, but when I type Chinese like: SpeechSynthesizer synth = new…
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Microsoft Speech Platform - how to update rules at runtime

I am using the System.Speech to build a C# application with voice recognition capabilities. I read this post that mentions how to update rules dynamically at runtime. I wonder how I can do the…
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Microsoft Speech Recognition - numbers + navigation

I am writing a data entry program that mostly uses C&C via a grammar XML file, but in some cases I need to dictation. When I am in C&C mode, in addition to the list of values, I also include navigation commands (like GO UP, GO DOWN etc) and after…
0 answers

How to set the input device for voice recognition

Is there a possibility to set another microphone input than the systems default for recognizing speech with either the System.Speech or Microsoft.Speech on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 machines? I surfed the docs and I have not found an obvious…
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2 answers

Speech recognition engine times out when loading grammar (Microsoft.Speech)

I'm working with Microsoft.Speech.Recognition and need to use quite large grammars for a recognition task. So I create and later modify a grammar as a SrgsDocument and then construct a Grammar object from that. At that point, I load the grammar into…
1 answer

How to use Microsoft Speech SDK 11 Language pack?

I would like to use the MS Speech SDK 11 with different voices not only Microsoft Anna. I downloaded the language pack and installed some of them but they are not yet available. How can I use different languages ​​with MS Speech SDK 11, please?
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Microsoft Speech Synthesizer Lexicon not working

I have followed the example here for adding a custom lexicon to my speech SSML. However, it is being ignored. I tried it with my own lexicon and also with the sample. At first the sample seemed to work, but when I removed the lexicon it still…
0 answers

Microsoft speech to text batch transcription status stay NotStarted after more than one hour

Since one day, all audio files submitted to the speechtotext api stay with status "NotStarted". The files to transcript are stored on an S3 bucket. There are submitted through an url with a one hour token. Here is an sample of response received when…
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Issue with Microsoft chat bot giving double responses to a question instead of just 1 time that i have instructed it to do

I am currently using micro soft's speech studio to create a simple chat bot. For all my questions, I need to add a confirmation rule to ask if they need further assistance getting to the location they are looking for. However after it gets to the…
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Custom Keyword continuous recognition option using Azure Cognitive Speech Services sdk for Javascript

Using the Custom Keyword Recognizer provided by Microsoft Cognitive Speech Services, I would like to setup continuous recognition on the browser using the microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk npm package. Is there a way to setup continuous keyword…
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Unable to train model using Microsoft CustomSpeech service

A half year ago I've already successfully trained multiple models using 'Audio + human labeled transcript' data in Microsoft speech portal. Now I wanted to train a new model but I only get the error message: The base model isn't valid for this…
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Request for higher concurrency for Speech-to-text

I am a developer at Across Cultures - we provide online EAL (English as an Additional Language) support for learners in schools. I've been looking at your Speech Services API and have something working for our requirements, however we will need…
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MediaFoundationResampler of audio loopback stream is alway read as 0 bytes

I can see that the system audio for WasapiLoopbackCapture is not the right rate to try and get Microsoft Windows' audio to text recognition working (only 8/16 is supported, eg AudioBitsPerSample.Sixteen ), from the output of this program. The odd…
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how to set OutputFormat.simple to OutputFormat.detailed using objective-c in microsoft cognitive speech lib?

reference| Currently in spxspeechconfiguration objective-c doesn't contain any method like setOutputFormat which allow us to set it OutputFormat.detailed. I…
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Microsoft Speech Synthesis, SpeakSsmlAsync with out lang attribute

I am using Microsoft Speech Synthesis to play my SSML string using public Prompt SpeakSsmlAsync(string ssmlText); and i got a requirement where i should not use xml:langbut when i remove xml:lang attribute from the ssml string i am getting below…