Questions tagged [microsoft-information-protection]

Microsoft Information Protection is the effort to streamline the information protection ecosystem across Windows, Office, and Azure. The programmatic manifestation is the SDK that Microsoft has developed. Use this tag to ask questions regarding Windows Information Protection, Office Information Protection, and Azure Information Protection. Unless another tag is included expect a information protection centric answer

Microsoft's Information Protection solutions is streamlining effort across Windows, Office, and Azure for information protection services. Information protection services is an abstraction for terms like Data Classification, Labeling, and Protection (CLP).

The Programmatic manifestation of this effort is the cross platform C++ API to leverage these combined CLP capabilities across various product integrations. The purpose of this forum is to help the community to understand, build, develop, and expedite delivery of applications integrating with Microsoft's information protection solutions.

Although initially the SDK provided Microsoft only focused on the Right Management service (capability). This new SDK in addition to CLP, includes binaries for authentication with ADAL services, and telemetry.

Features Initial release of this SDK will start with Windows, Mac, and Linux. Light weight (support sandboxing an application versus sharing a common library)

When asking questions, you should:

  • Make sure you have read the SDK documentation and carefully search Stackoverflow
  • Isolate the problematic code and make sure it reproducible with a standard environment
  • There are specific environment variables that need to be factored in, then please state those and their respective values
  • Please indicate the version of the SDK used
  • Please indicate what product you are integrating with the SDK
  • If they are configuration issues please insert [Configuration] in your subject line
  • Mention the operating system and the version where the problem is occurring
64 questions
2 answers

Microsoft Information Protection SDK : using username/password to login

I am building a POC application using the new MIP SDK on C#. One of the requirements is to use username/password stored on the server. All the example applications are using OAuth2 login with a popup window for user credentials input. I believe that…
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1 answer

How to apply a sensitivity label to a document in SharePoint Online programmatically?

The task is to write a code that applies a sensitivity label to a document in a SharePoint Online document library without downloading the file. I have explored the following APIs so far: SharePoint REST API v1: Can be used to set a Retention label…
1 answer

Run MIP SDK with .NET Core 3.1

I set up the MIP SDK sample project following the instructions and everything is working well if i'm using the .NET Framework 4.6.1 provided by the sample; but i'm receiving the followng exception at MIP.CreateMipContext(appInfo, "mip_data",…
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1 answer

Microsoft.InformationProtection.File.Ubuntu1804 - Load library failed for

I want to use the Microsoft.InformationProtection.File.Ubuntu1804 in a netcore3.1 console app. I published my app with the command: dotnet publish MipConsole.csproj -o ../publish -f netcoreapp3.1 -c Release -r linux-x64 When I run it in docker…
0 answers

Can I use Set-AIPFileLabel to apply a sensitivity label to a file directly in SharePoint?

I am wondering if Set-AIPFileLabel can be used to apply sensitivity label to a file on SharePoint Online directly (without having to download the file to a local drive - apply label - reupload). I can't seem to find any information on this. Ideally…
1 answer

Get sensitivity labels error - Compliance policy not configured: missing tag

In Azure aip I have created an app, given all required permission and admin consent like described here in MIP sdk prerequisite section. Here is the code as per the sdk to create the file engine. public static IFileEngine CreateFileEngine(Identity…
1 answer

MIP SDK fails to protect files

I'm using MIP file sample command line interface to apply labelling. When trying to apply a label that has protection set, i got "Label requires ad-hoc protection, but protection has not yet been set" error. Therefore, I tried protecting the file…
0 answers

How to replace a sensitivity label with protection/encryption without requesting the user’s credentials?

We have created a utility that scans the SharePoint document library, checks applied sensitivity labels against predefined rules and if needed it applies a new (higher label). Everything works fine except when a label with protection/encryption is…
1 answer

MIP SDK 1.7.133 .NET Core 3.1 support

I created a new .NET Core 3.1 project and installed the MIP SDK 1.7.133 via nuget I wrote some code to fetch the sensitivity labels and it all works fine, but I keep getting this warning that the MIP SDK package may not support .NET Core 3.1…
2 answers

MIP SDK setting unexpected ContentBits metadata

We are using the MIP SDK to apply sensitivity labels to files (using the c# Microsoft.InformationProtection.File nuget package). We use the IFileHandler.SetLabel method for this. This seems to protect the file and apply most of the metadata as…
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0 answers

How to get LabelActionData of a Label

I'm trying to see how to get Labels that does not have any action data for encryption. I see in the SDK it lists LabelActionData as a class, but I can't see anything in the Labels themselves that lets me get the ActionData of that label. Is there…
1 answer

MIP SDK: fail to create FileHandler with error "Content protected by on prem servers is unsupported"

We are developing an application to open and edit protected PDF files using the MIP SDK (we're currently using version 1.6.103). So far, we were able to open files protected with different versions of Microsoft protection, including…
1 answer

How to apply watermark using MIP SDK (Microsoft Information protection)

I am trying to implement Content Marking using MIP SDK version 1.5 As per information from below URL, it is possible to implement content marking. I have tried but couldn't. I want to implement applying content marking(watermark) in word/pdf…
2 answers

Setting UserRights in Azure AD MIP SDK doesn't let me add a global "AuthenticatedUsers"

We are using the Azure MIP SDK to encrypt documents. The API is pretty simple and the samples are good when you use the template functionality. But... We want to generate the Protection Descriptor ourselves. Works well with users emails. But in all…
1 answer

Decrypting an encrypted office 365 email from MS 365 Personal account using MIP SDK

I have followed the link Decrypting an encrypted office 365 email using MIP SDK using MIP SDK(1.6.113) to decrypt an rpmsg successfully when the users and application are in the same Azure AD environment. If I try to decrypt an rpmsg that was sent…
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