I set up the MIP SDK sample project following the instructions and everything is working well if i'm using the .NET Framework 4.6.1 provided by the sample; but i'm receiving the followng exception at MIP.CreateMipContext(appInfo, "mip_data", LogLevel.Trace, null, null); using the same code within .Net Core 3.1 console app (also .Net core webapp btw) :

Unhandled exception. System.ApplicationException: Unknown exception occurred in MipContext_CreateWithCustomFeatureSettings at Microsoft.InformationProtection.Internal.MipContext.CreateWithCustomFeatureSettings(ApplicationInfo appInfo, String path, LogLevel thres holdLogLevel, Boolean isOfflineOnly, LoggerDelegate loggerDelegateOverride, TelemetryConfiguration telemetryOverride, FeatureDictionary featur eSettingsOverride) at Microsoft.InformationProtection.MIP.CreateMipContext(ApplicationInfo appInfo, String path, LogLevel logLevel, ILoggerDelegate loggerDele gateOverride, TelemetryConfiguration telemetryOverride, Dictionary`2 featureSettingsOverride)

Could somebody help me if if the MIP SDK should work with .NET Core and i'm doing something wrong, or it is intended to work with .NET Framework only?

Thanks a lot

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  • Just in case my edit doesn't cause a notification: MIP SDK 1.7.133 and later now support .NET Core on Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows. https://aka.ms/mipsdknuget – Tom Moser Sep 25 '20 at 04:16
  • Indeed I was notified only by your comment here - would be a pity to miss this excellent news! :) Thanks – rpart Sep 26 '20 at 19:29

1 Answers1


Unfortunately, we don't fully support .NET Core today. We're planning to add support later this year.

[Edit]: We will be shipping support for .NET Core in the next week or so. It'll work on Windows and Ubuntu.

[Edit2]: MIP SDK 1.7.133 and later now support .NET Core on Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows. https://aka.ms/mipsdknuget

Tom Moser
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