Questions tagged [mediarecorder-api]

62 questions
7 answers

How can I use a MediaRecorder object in an Angular2 application?

I'm building a small Angular2 app and I'm trying to use a MediaRecorder object ( like so: var mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream); However, TypeScript is telling me it cannot find…
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Updated(reproducible) - Gaps when recording using MediaRecorder API(audio/webm opus)

----- UPDATE HAS BEEN ADDED BELOW ----- I have an issue with MediaRecorder API ( I'm using it to record the speech from the web page(Chrome was used in this case) and save it as…
2 answers

Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Unable to decode audio data

I'm having an issue with decodeAudioData method using Web Audio API to playback in Chrome (it works fine in Firefox)- I am sending the audio buffer recorded by media recorder back from the server. Server side wss = new WebSocketServer({server:…
0 answers

Live-Streaming webcam webm stream (using getUserMedia) by recording chunks with MediaRecorder over WEB API with WebSockets and MediaSource

I'm trying to broadcast a webcam's video to other clients in real-time, but I encounter some problems when viewer's start watching in the middle. For this purpose, I get the webcam's stream using getUserMedia (and all its siblings). Then, on a…
0 answers

Media Recorder API generated webm badly encoded?

when I record a video with the Media Recorder API and download & open it with VLC, length of the video is unknow. Furthermore, on Chrome mobile (52.0.2743.98) if I read it in a video tag, length isn't show, currentTime will always be 0 and the…
0 answers

Mediastream Recording API. ondataavailable is not triggered

I am trying to record media using the mediaRecorder API. Here is my code (just the relevant part). I expect to get a console log in saveChunks but it appears that the ondataavailable event is never triggered.I am able to see the video in the video…
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Where is a comprehensive list of supported media types when recording with the Media * API?

I am trying to learn how to record media in the browser and I may be over-complicating things. There is an abundant supply of straight-forward examples but I got bogged down at the part when the recordings are pushed to a Blob object with an…
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1 answer

How can we mix canvas stream with audio stream using mediaRecorder

I have a canvas stream using canvas.captureStream(). I have another video stream from webrtc video call. Now i want to mix canvas stream with audio tracks of the video stream.How can i do that?
Albin Mathew
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Specifying codecs with MediaRecorder

How can I specify the codecs used with the MediaRecorder API? The only option I see is for mimeType which isn't really sufficient. Cramming in the codecs in the mimeType option doesn't seem to work. var mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder( …
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MediaRecorder changes size without provocation

I'm using the MediaRecorder API along with the Canvas captureStream method to encode a VP8 video stream of a canvas in browser. This data is sent to FFmpeg via binary web socket. var outputCaptureStream = $('canvas')[0].captureStream(30); var…
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2 answers

How to convert array of png image data into video file

I am getting frames from canvas through canvas.getDataURL(). However, now I have an array of png images, but I want a video file. How do I do this? var canvas = document.getElementById("mycanvaselementforvideocapturing"); var pngimages =…
0 answers

How to add duration to metadata of files recorder by MediaRecorder

I am recording video by MediaRecorder in Chrome. My code is similar to an example from MediaStream docs. I am receiving videos that do not have Duration metadata. I compared it by mediainfo with exemplary webm file…
1 answer

Seeking is not working in recorded video with MediaRecorder API

I'm trying to build a screen recording with MediaRecorder API. As Suggestive MediaRecorded Approach var chunks = []; var recorder = new MediaRecorder(stream); recorder.streams = [stream]; recorder.ondataavailable = function(e) { …
0 answers

How to handle real time media analysis on a web server?

The use case: I'm developing a web app to help students learn to read. The student is recorded while reading a text on a web app. The signal is sent by segment of 200ms to the backend and analysed before the student finishes reading to give live…
1 answer

Record the highest quality video using MediaRecorder API in HTML5

Using MediaRecorder API, I was able to code a page that captures the video from the web/mobile camera and saves the video on a local disk. Snippet of the code is as follows: let mediaRecorder; let recordedBlobs; window.addEventListener('load',…
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