Questions tagged [maven-metadata]

Maven metadata is used to store versioning information about Maven artifacts. This metadata is produced by tools such a Maven, Gradle, SBT, Ivy et al and it is updated during the deployment of an artifact.

Maven metadata is used to store versioining information about Maven artifacts. This metadata is produced by tools such a Maven, Gradle, SBT, Ivy et al and it is updated during the deployment of an artifact.

Maven metadata can be used by tools to figure out:

  • What versions of an artifact exist

  • What timestamped versions of a snapshot artifact exist

  • What plugins exist under a groupId

Maven metadata is also used by the maven-indexer for producing searchable Lucene indexes.

Official Resources on Maven Metadata

See Also

74 questions
12 answers

How do I tell Maven to use the latest version of a dependency?

In Maven, dependencies are usually set up like this: wonderful-inc dream-library 1.2.3 Now, if you are working with libraries that have frequent…
Anders Sandvig
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5 answers

Why is Maven downloading the maven-metadata.xml every time?

Below is the error I usually get when my internet connection is flanky when trying to build a web application with maven. My question is that, why does maven always have to download every time when the same app has been built earlier. What could…
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1 answer

How does Maven plugin prefix resolution work? Why is it resolving "findbugs" but not "jetty"?

I was doing some testing using Maven and realized that I can execute the findbugs goal of the Findbugs plugin without adding the plugin to the POM file. On the other hand, when I needed to run the run goal of the Jetty plugin, I was forced to add…
Jachk E
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4 answers

Finding list of versions available in a Maven repository for a specific plugin?

Given the following repository URL from my pom.xml how can I determine what the latest versions of spring and hibernate are available in the repository?
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1 answer

maven-metadata.xml is not updated when deploying to nexus

i am using Apache Maven 3.0 Nexus Open Source Edition, Version: this is part of my pom.xml maven-deploy-plugin 2.5
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6 answers

The timestamp in snapshot jar's maven-metadata.xml is more than a second than the actual jar's timestamp?

I encountered a quirky problem: I used "mvn deploy" (Maven 3.3.9, Jenkins 2.45, Nexus 2.12.0) to deploy a snapshot jar to my nexus in jenkins, result as below (suppose the jar name is userdao.jar): Uploaded:…
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4 answers

Maven build error No versions available for org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-core-asl:jar:[1.8,1.9) within specified range

I am getting following error since today morning while doing maven build. There are no specific changes for yesterday and today. Can someone help me to resolve this? I tried clearing all local repositories, changing jackson version to…
Abdul Azeez
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3 answers

How to rebuild maven-metadata.xml in Artifactory?

We're using Artifactory 3.9.2 and had to merge parts of two repositories (by copying over the artifacts) which had the same (SNAPSHOT-versioned) artifact. This screwed up the maven-metadata.xml. In Nexus its possible to simply rebuild the metadata…
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4 answers

How to force Maven to download maven-metadata.xml from the central repository?

What I want to do is to force Maven to download the 'maven-metadata.xml' for each artifact that I have in my local repository. The default Maven behaviour is to download only metadata from remote repositories (see this question). Why I want to do…
Alceu Costa
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1 answer

Migration to Maven 3.0.1 - Deploy fails with Error: 500 only for top most maven-metadata.xml

I'm testing out migration to Maven 3.0.1 from 2.2.1. All phases run fine except for the deploy phase. When I first run with 2.2.1, everything runs fine. Then I make the switch to 3.0.1 and run the same command and everything goes fine except for…
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0 answers

How to deploy a snapshot artifact to a Maven repository and produce valid maven-metadata.xml using Gradle?

I have the following build.gradle script: apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'maven' compileJava { targetCompatibility = "1.8" sourceCompatibility = "1.8" options.encoding = 'UTF-8' } ext.username = System.getProperty('username') !=…
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4 answers

How do I generate maven-metata.xml with maven-publish and the artifactory-gradle-plugin?

I've written a Gradle plugin in groovy and used Gradle to build it. I've got a local network Artifactory server that I publish the results to using the Gradle Artifactory plugin and the maven-publish plugin in Gradle. I have another Gradle build…
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How to ask maven to create maven-metadata.xml and not maven-metadata-local.xml?

For some reasons (not the concern of this post) amazon S3 is not a perfect host for maven repository. so i am building my maven application in a local machine and at some points in time (like every two days or so) i copy the whole hierarchy to…
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0 answers

Force maven to update the tag in maven-metadata.xml when deploying

For some reason the "latest" tag in the maven-metadata.xml files stopped getting updated when new versions of their corresponding artifacts were deployed. After searching all over the internets, all I've found is plenty of people saying that Maven…
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1 answer

How to get artifactory to update the maven-metadata.xml for a virtual repo?

long time reader, first time asker... I have a standalone network (no internet access). It has an artifactory server which has virtual libs-snapshot and libs-release repos. Under libs-snapshot, there are 4 local snapshot repos. The reason for…
TS Haines
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