Questions tagged [master]

603 questions
2 answers

Fixing history on GIT repository

I have the following situation in my GIT repository. Someone had forgotten to make a pull in the master before doing his changes, and then commited on his local master. After that, for some reason he merged the origin/master into his local master…
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3 answers

git push " The remote end hung up unexpectedly "

I have created a new branch in my local repository and after some commits, I wanted to push it to the remote repository. git push origin new_branch I have this error: $ git push origin new_branch Counting objects: 32, done. Delta compression…
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How do I force a Secondary to be a Primary when "priority" = 0 and "slaveDelay" = n to rebuild my data around that point?

Is that even possible? How else could I restore the data from a slaveDelay-Secondary? The only way I can think of is to shut down all the other running members of the replica set and copy the slaveDelay-Secondary data folder to the other members and…
2 answers

hadoop master node slave node datanode

if a master node goes down what happens to the cluster? Can any slave node act as a master? Does it need any additional configuration?
1 answer

Jasper Reports Master Detail Report

Is it possible to create a Master-detail report in Jasper without creating a sub-report. Does Jasper provide some component or option so that I don't end up with 2 jrxml file for a simple Master-Detail report. I'm providing the datasource in form of…
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3 answers

iPad refresh Master data from detail view.

I'd like to be able to refresh the table on the master side of my app, based on an action taken in my detail view controller. In this case, I have an orders table on the left (master) side that drills down to show 3 levels of orders: Open, Held &…
Alan Carter
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kubernetes role to hide the master

I am building a kubernetes cluster and I was wondering if there is a way to hide the master(s) node(s) from "kubectl get nodes". Like they are doing with eks, aks etc. The purpose is to give full admin control to the user except on the master…
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1 answer

Can't Delete Tag Named "master" On GitHub

Edit: Unrelated to GitHub. Problem was an error in sync script (see comments). I have been trying to solve this problem for a couple months now & I have come to the conclusion that it is directly related to GitHub. I am a member of the Stendhal…
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3 answers

Mysql - Select value from 'Show master status' query

hi How can i select just the position value from the 'SHOW MASTER STATUS' query exp something like select position from (show master status); thanks for your time and help
1 answer

How add two branch (master & develop) to redmine

I have installed Redmine on Debian. Also have Git with master (default) and develop branches. I want to integrate git into redmine for showing this two branches in it. But currently redmine show only master branch.
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0 answers

how to insert data into mongodb using react babel webpack?

please give me advice about any tutorials or any source to learn i am doing this in index.jsx file import mongoose from 'mongoose'; let dbConn = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/Accomodation'); if (dbConn) { console.log('suceess'); }else…
1 answer

Worker failed to connect to master in Spark Apache

I'm deploying a Spark Apache application using standalone cluster manager. My architecture uses 2 windows machine one set as a master, and another set as a slave (worker) master: on which I run: \bin>spark-class org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master…
Mehdi Ben Hamida
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1 answer

Vapor: git push heroku master is failing

I've been working with Vapor and Heroku for a few weeks now and it is all going well. Vapor is fab! ;] I have been successfully updating the app on Heroku using git push heroku master until yesterday evening when I started to get this error: $ git…
TJ Shae
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1 answer

Master theorem with f(n)=n!?

How do I solve the following as f(n)=n! does not as to my knowledge apply to any of the cases of master theorem. T (n) = 16T (n/4) + n!
1 answer

MVC Master page and RenderPartial

I'm trying to create nested master pages in MVC. In the main master page I have a partial view that is rendered using Html.RenderPartial. This works fine when using the main master page directly in my view. The problem occurs when I have a child…
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