Questions tagged [linode]

Linode (a contraction of Linux Node) is a virtual private server web hosting and cloud computing provider based in Galloway Township, New Jersey.

Linode (a contraction of "Linux Node") is a virtual private server () provider based in New Jersey, and founded in 2003.

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384 questions
15 answers

Downloading MySQL dump from command line

I am moving away from Linode because I don't have the Linux sysadmin skills necessary; before I complete the transition to a more noob-friendly service, I need to download the contents of a MySQL database. Is there a way I can do this from the…
Phillip Copley
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1 answer

Feasability of running MongoDB on Linode 512 VPS?

I've read the MongoDB documentation, and it comes with a warning about 32-bit systems; particularly that they're capped at 2 GB of available RAM for Mongo. So I was wondering if that statement meant anything in regards in running MongoDB in a low…
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13 answers

ssh server connect to host xxx port 22: Connection timed out on linux-ubuntu

I am trying to connect to remote server via ssh but getting connection timeout. I ran the following command ssh and getting following result ssh: connect to host port 22:…
urjit on rails
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2 answers

linode vs amazon ec2 vs heroku for project with amazon s3

I have a project in ruby on rails 3.1 like flickr, tumblr, pinterest...etc with a lot of pictures for maintenance. My project have database Mongodb. I'm using amazon s3 for host pictures. I want to know what is the best hosting combination to get…
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1 answer

How to deploy a [Ruby on Rails] site in a scalable way?

I have been working on my [first] startup for a month now, and while it's probably atleast one more month away from an alpha release, I want to know how to deploy it the right way. The site will have an initial high amount of load (network + CPU)…
Asif Sheikh
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1 answer

Are there any "gotchas" in deploying a Cassandra cluster to a set of Linode VPS instances?

I am learning about the Apache Cassandra database [sic]. Does anyone have any good/bad experiences with deploying Cassandra to less than dedicated hardware like the offerings of Linode or Slicehost? I think Cassandra would be a great way to scale…
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3 answers

Monitoring django rest framework api on production server

I have an API created using django rest framework in a Linode server. Now, I want to check the number and the response code of each request, I want to get stats for my api. How can I do it? thankyou so much.
Danna Castro
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1 answer

Laravel deployement Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages

When I am trying to deploy my laravel project and do a php composer.phar install I get this annoying error. I pulled in my project via git with a git clone. And when I surf to my domainname I would like to see my app obviously :). I've installed a…
Moussa Chaabar
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6 answers

Capistrano and GitHub Private Repo – Permission denied (publickey)

I've inherited a Rails project, hosted on Linode. The previous developer was using a BitBucket repository, along with Capistrano for deployments. I've since setup a private repository on GitHub, and I'm trying to get the Capistrano recipe to work.…
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3 answers

How can I profile my Node app to see where I'm using up memory and CPU resources?

My website,, is powered by Node.js. I have released the source code; it's hosted at GitHub. The app itself is running on a Linode with 768MB of RAM (I recently upgraded the server; it was at 512MB). Recently I have been getting…
Zack Burt
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1 answer

Phusion Passenger internal server error

I'm using Apache + Passenger on my Linode server, with a Postgresql-9.4 database. Every so often, I get the following error, but it is unpredictable and rights itself a few minutes later with no actions taken, so it is extremely hard to…
Joe Morano
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0 answers

Nginx - The connection was reset?

I have Ngnix installed on my host at Linode. I have the config below: server { listen 80; server_name; location / { root /usr/share/nginx/html; index index.html index.htm; …
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2 answers

How do I resolve a mysql Thread Stack Overrun?

I have a stored procedure on mysql. It worked on my local MAMP environment, the procedure worked well, but when I moved it to a linode server/host it does not run. I'm getting a "Thread Stack Overrun" error. I have tried upping the thread stack…
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2 answers

Composer escapeshellarg() has been disabled for security reasons

Hey I have a server on (Centos 7). I installed cpanel and composer in my server, when I run this command (via ssh) for creating a blank symfony project, composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition '~2.6' It outputs…
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3 answers

Performance Difference Between Amazon EC2 and Linode

Just interested in what is the difference between EC2 and Linode based on my findings. I realize there are a million things that can go wrong. Just wondering where to start. I have been timing requests to my blog landing page (via Apache Benchmark).…
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