Questions tagged [lwuit]

Lightweight User Interface Toolkit - widget-based UI library for J2ME enabled mobile devices

LWUIT is a framework for cross platform mobile development that was originally inspired by Swing but took a lot of inspiration from SwingX and went much further with themes & styles. LWUIT has a powerful GUI builder/theme creator and provides a porting layer to several platforms specifically J2ME/MIDP, Blackberry, TV, JavaSE (Applets and Applications), Android and others.

LWUIT allows a lot of power in configuring its theme and has 3rd party themes mimicking native Android/iPhone look and feels in the LWUIT incubator. LWUIT features elaborate special effects and transitions and is highly customizable, it supports all the common touch gestures as well as feature phone none-touch UI's seamlessly.

LWUIT is 100% open source and free under the GPL with classpath exception license which allows for both commercial and none commercial deployments.

LWUIT4IO is an additional library for LWUIT recently added to provide improved integration with filesystem, storage, serialization, Networking etc. To this date there is a large and thriving LWUIT community, there are many operator grade deployments of applications based on LWUIT within some of the biggest operators in the world.

Video of chat demo (shows off some animations and bubble chat):

One of the many videos showing off the resource editor tool which includes a GUI builder, Theme editor, localization tool etc.:

Official Website

904 questions
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LWUIT: How to show menu commands with another button

In LWUIT we could add the commands button right into the Form with addCommand function like in this link . Because I am currently developing the Nokia Asha Full Touch Apps soto show those commands I could…
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arrayindexoutofboundsexception while using LWUIT ImageDownloadService

I am using Nokia-Lwuit for my project,While using the ImageDownloadServiceand I am getting a uncaught ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while the thread is trying to update the Label with the downloaded image . This is because the urls returned in the…
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Central Button Soft key LWUIT

This might seem like a very trivial problem but I have spent quite some time on this without finding a viable solution. Nokia devices have a central select button,which allows us to assign soft keys to it. According to my requirement, I need to…
Mukund Samant
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2 answers

How to change Nokia full touch lwuit form header color

I want to to change the header color of nokia lwuit based full touch form and i have tried setTitleComponent method but it is not working. Please also check the following link…
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How to reduce the Font of a text in LWUIT TextArea

I have created LWUIT TextArea,and I have added paragraphs of text to my TextArea ,now i want to reduce my TextArea's font size,I have used the code below: TextArea big = new TextArea(detailNews.getDescription()); Font createSystemFont =…
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How to use Codename one Storage?

I am trying to port my LWUIT application to Codename one. I have used RMS in LWUIT and now obviously I have to transform this to Storage. I don't understand how the Storage class works in Codename one and the documentation for codename one has…
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Lwuit vs j2me-polish? and What is the advantages of LWUIT with respect to J2ME-Polish?

Now, we plan for developing a mobile application using j2me. For UI, we go for a framework like LWUIT,J2me-polish,etc. Finally we decide for LWUIT or J2me-polish. My choice is LWUIT and my colligues choice is J2ME-Polish We want to choose anyone…
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0 answers

LWUIT Symbol table

I'm facing a problem with symboltabel. I'm using Persian and English languages in my LWUIT application with the help of Localization. Now my problem is that when I press * button of any mobile device, some of the Symbol Tabel chars are getting…
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Split text in J2ME

I'm creating an application that is supposed to read text from mySql database using a get method. Once it gets data elements from the database as string, it's supposed to split the string and create a list using the string however the split() method…
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lwuit flashbacklight

I am using LWUIT to construct an application. In LWUIT , one can flash a backlight of a cellphone with the following command: Display.getInstance().flashbacklight(); The frequency at which the backlight flashes is pretty low. How do I make the…
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Prevent last component of LWUIT form from losing focus when down arrow key is pressed

I have a lwuit Form to which I have added a Container. The Container has a TextArea, some RadioButtons and finally another Container which has some Buttons. 1)TextArea 2)RadioButtons 3)Another Container with some Buttons Now if the focus is on my…
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2 answers

I ported my midlet to Blackberry and I can't assign a listener to the ESCAPE key

Here is some of the code in my midlet: the addKeyListener method presents an error as the function is not recognized. import net.rim.device.api.system.KeyListener; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Keypad; public class PhraZApp extends…
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1 answer

You must include the platform port before the LWUIT in the classpath: How to solve this run time exception?

Possible Duplicate: You must include the platform port before the LWUIT in the classpath runtime exception I am just now started the LWUIT use in J2ME. I don't have more knowledge of LWUIT but I know better J2ME. I have added library of LWUIT in…
Mr. Sajid Shaikh
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1 answer

LWUIT textfield

if method setMaxSize(1) is called, tactile keypad only inputs first character .e.g. can only write A in "ABC or D in "DEF" etc any ideas on how to solve this
1 answer

How to make visible notification bar (battery info, clock etc.), when I use my java me app?

I have an app (LWUIT, Java Me). When I run the app on device, it occupies the complete screen. But I want the top panel (notification bar of device) to be visible. What are the solutions? Are there any settings for lwuit?
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