Questions tagged [lwuit]

Lightweight User Interface Toolkit - widget-based UI library for J2ME enabled mobile devices

LWUIT is a framework for cross platform mobile development that was originally inspired by Swing but took a lot of inspiration from SwingX and went much further with themes & styles. LWUIT has a powerful GUI builder/theme creator and provides a porting layer to several platforms specifically J2ME/MIDP, Blackberry, TV, JavaSE (Applets and Applications), Android and others.

LWUIT allows a lot of power in configuring its theme and has 3rd party themes mimicking native Android/iPhone look and feels in the LWUIT incubator. LWUIT features elaborate special effects and transitions and is highly customizable, it supports all the common touch gestures as well as feature phone none-touch UI's seamlessly.

LWUIT is 100% open source and free under the GPL with classpath exception license which allows for both commercial and none commercial deployments.

LWUIT4IO is an additional library for LWUIT recently added to provide improved integration with filesystem, storage, serialization, Networking etc. To this date there is a large and thriving LWUIT community, there are many operator grade deployments of applications based on LWUIT within some of the biggest operators in the world.

Video of chat demo (shows off some animations and bubble chat):

One of the many videos showing off the resource editor tool which includes a GUI builder, Theme editor, localization tool etc.:

Official Website

904 questions
3 answers

Some input files use or override a deprecated API

I just downloaded the new LWUIT 1.5 and when I compiled my project then I saw in the output trace these lines: Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. I use Sun Java ME SDK 3.0…
1 answer

JavaMe deploy

Im using Eclipse 3.4, EclipseMe 1.7.9. Im trying to deploy/"create package" a simple project with an external .jar file (LWUIT.jar) included. When I try to create the package with the the .jar file exported (Properties -> Java build path -> order…
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how to get selected item of combo box

i'm using lwuit with j2me . how to get combo box selected item or index? i found the function for setSelectedIndex but not for getting the selected.
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2 answers

CodeNameOne Dynamically created Form, how to "Back"

In an actionListener for a button we would like to create a Form on the fly. Eg Something like Button b = new Button("Clickme"); b.setActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { Form f = new…
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1 answer

left and right command menus in LWUIT form

Using LWUIT framework to develop mobile application. In LWUIT by default first command is placed in the left and subsequent commands will be placed in the right menu of the form including the command which is already placed in form left.I need to…
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1 answer

Where can I find/download LWUIT Themes

I saw a really awesome LWUIT theme today and graphics is not really my thing. Does anyone know anywhere I can download (or even purchase) good LWUIT themes?
Chibueze Opata
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6 answers

System.out.println does not print on netbeans console

I have used Netbeans 7.0 for developing Blackberry application with LWUIT framework. And I'm using Blackberry SDK 4.7. I print a string by using System.out.println(...); in my application in many places. But the string values aren't printed on the…
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5 answers

JavaME - LWUIT images eat up all the memory

I'm writing a MIDlet using LWUIT and images seem to eat up incredible amounts of memory. All the images I use are PNGs and are packed inside the JAR file. I load them using the standard Image.createImage(URL) method. The application has a number of…
1 answer

Error deleting resources while cleaning project & building J2me project

I'm running Eclipse pulsar with S60 SDK for j2me development and using LWUIT.jar but I'm getting following error while cleaning my project Errors occurred during the build. Errors running builder 'Preverification Builder' on project…
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1 answer

Porting app from LWUIT to CodenameOne

I have 3 apps developed in LWUIT using the Resource editor and adding more functionallity with Netbeans. I want to port them to codenameone. What is the best way to do that? I see that the navite Componentsfrom LWUIT have an equivalent Componentin…
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2 answers

Switching between LWUIT Form and LCDUI Form

I have built a LWUIT UI class which contains the Midlet. I am basically using a theme from this midlet. But I need to jump to another LCDUI form which contains some LCDUI controls and I need to set display that LCDUI form. So is it possible to jump…
Abdullah Md. Zubair
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8 answers

LWUIT scroll jumping issue

I need to show the only component on the form - HTMLComponent. Reaching the bottom of the form/component while vertical scrolling scroll bar jumps back to the top of the form. I need to prevent this. I've tried to turn on/off scrolling on the form…
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0 answers

Printer Turns off after Performing Printing once

I want to Print some of the Data on Printer using Bluetooth in J2ME Application. I can Print Data perfectly fine but after completing Printing functionality, Printer turns off automatically. I mean connection to device is lost and when I close the…
Riddhi Barbhaya
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3 answers

TextField not updating dynamically

this is a really simple code in which text on a button is copied to a TextField. The code works fine but the TextField is not updating instantly on clicking the button. It updates only after i click on the TextField or when i drag the form not on…
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2 answers

Strange LWUIT Dialog behaviour while using Dialog.showPacked() with BorderLayout.CENTRE positioning

I am using LWUIT for series 40 for making my J2ME app and I have noticed a strange behavior of the LWUIT-Dialog while using the showPacked() method, the dialog being positioned with BorderLayout.CENTER. This happens especially in touch phones. I…
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