Questions tagged [low-memory]

101 questions
1 answer

Run Tensorflow object detecion with Nvidia GTX650 Ti (2GB)?

Is there a way to let run the object detection with a 2GB graphic card? Have 24GB DD3 Ram on the main board, can't I use that too with the GPU? I did try to add session_config.gpu_options.allow_growth=True in the but that don't help. It…
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Android OS 6.0 nulling static variables

I have bunch of traces in Google Play where it seems that static members of application class are null. All the related posts I found are about storing data, but these variables are not data, they are 3rd party SDK instances or other crucial objects…
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jetsam criteria for closing an app

I have an iOS app connected to a peripheral and as such running in the background. Sometimes when there is a low memory situation, jetsam decides to close my app even though according to the jetsam log it is not the largest running process. So far…
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MKMapView: Received memory warning. Level=2

I've got an app that caches a pretty decent amount of data in memory after parsing a csv file, and also displays an MKMapView. After scrolling across the country from one end to the other in the MKMapView, the app inevitably gives me one or…
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Crate - What is the minimum memory requirement for a node host?

I can find cheap VPS hosts with 128MB RAM, and I wonder if that is enough to run a crate node for a tiny database, initially for testing. (I'm not looking for recommended memory, but the minimum one, for not running into out-of-memory exceptions.…
Sony Santos
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WIN DEATH error using cross walk on low memory devices

I am working on an application on Android 4.1.1 that utilizes crosswalk in order to load a html 5 website stored locally on the device. I am finding that the app is crashing in a couple key areas: On rotation (I have disabled rotation to get…
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Android Service killed low memory - how to let user know

I have an app who's activity starts a service to play a downloaded podcast. As the user pressed the BACK key to get to the hope screen the service continues to play the podcast as expected. However if the user launches a broswer (doesn't matter…
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How does bind relation between two Services impact Low Memory Killer sequence in Android

My App has three processes and two services, their relationship is as below: (UI start and bind BKService, UI start and bind LinkService, then BKService bind LinkService) Daemon Process (BKService) / …
2 answers

Why do I not get low memory issues until images are draw on the screen?

I am able to load over 200 UIImage objects into a NSMutableDictionary without any memorry warning issues. When I start displaying them on the screen (after about showing 10-20 images) I get low memory warnings and an eventual crash. Only about 8…
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Handling Memory Pressure While downloading multiple files in Background using NSURLSession

Im downloading video files of 50-60MB[Around 40-50] in Background using NSURLSession.Sometimes I am getting a Low memory message and app crashes and I cannot access any applications.Is there a way to handle this issue?
2 answers

Android: How to save objects initialised in the Application class when the System Restarts my App Process

In my application class i have a Object which is used by all the activities that are launched from Launcher screen. The problem is, In low memory case the system automatically Restarts my Application (i could see that in Settings -> Application ->…
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Viewpager loose fragment connection on low memory kill

in my activity i use viewpager. I create two fragments and attach the to the view pager and time to time calling some methods from this fragments in my activity.. afer the app is killed on low memory and recreated fragments are there but no…
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3 answers

Fragment recreated after activity killed on low memory

I have an Activity with a ViewPager inside. When activity created a asyncTask is executed and when task is finished a Fragment is created using the result data.(Important note: without this data Fragment create view will crash because its explictly…
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My app closes device low memory

I am developing an app for android 4.0 that uses services. The app works fine and does not crash. However, when I start a heavy app on my Galaxy s3 the app closes, for example. When I use Candy Crash my app crashes for no reason. Is it because that…
1 answer

Is this the right trick to keep a service alive even under low memory pressure?

I used the following code to keep a service alive: @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { ... keepServiceAlive(this, 2222); return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags,…
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