Questions tagged [application-restart]

Questions based on restarting programs in various programming languages belong in this tag.

Based on certain conditions, the entire application may need to be restarted. In these cases, it is likely that the code file in question is already being run as the main() of the application. Restarting an application at this level is not always trivial.

Since different languages may handle this differently, a question tagged with this tag must also be tagged with the programming language being used

223 questions
13 answers

How can I restart a Java application?

How can I restart a Java AWT application? I have a button to which I have attached an event handler. What code should I use to restart the application? I want to do the same thing that Application.Restart() do in a C# application.
Azfar Niaz
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9 answers

Is it possible to restart a program from inside a program?

I am developing a C++ program and it would be useful to use some function, script or something that makes the program restart. It's a big program so restarting all the variables manually will take me long time... I do not know if there is any way…
Julen Uranga
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7 answers

Force iphone app to restart programmatically?

I am trying to get my iPhone app to restart programmatically when the Logout button is pressed. Has anyone got a code sample to share? I've read that it is possible by modifying the main.m file but I couldn't find any code related to this. Any help…
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2 answers

Does any change in any file inside bin folder cause application recycle in ASP.NET web application?

I know that in ASP.NET web application, changing a DLL file located in the bin folder causes an application recycle. But I wonder, as the subject implies, whether any file changes cause such behavior? Are simple text files included in this…
Ron Klein
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9 answers

how to restart my own qt application?

i just asking myself how to restart my own qt application? Can somebody please show me an example?
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10 answers

Restart an application by itself

I want to build my application with the function to restart itself. I found on codeproject ProcessStartInfo Info=new ProcessStartInfo(); Info.Arguments="/C choice /C Y /N /D Y /T 3 & Del "+ …
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1 answer

How to prevent IIS from shutting down Web Site when not in use?

I have a web application hosted under IIS. It is a data warehouse, and during its startup process it requires instantiating a large set of items in memory (takes roughly ~20 minutes to fully set up). Because this website is critical to our company,…
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0 answers

App restart when change permission in Android M?

I am developing an android app with structure: MainActivity->FragmentA->FragmentB->Fragment C Now in Fragment C,I go to Permission Setting and make access Camera to Deny,then I return an App.I realize that app restarted (transit to Fragment A). May…
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1 answer

Advanced error handling

I recently posed this question and thankfully was pointed to withRestarts() which seems pretty awesome and powerful to me :-) Now I'm eager to understand R's error handling capabilities in a bit more detail. Actual questions What is the recommended…
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1 answer

Application is getting killed after enable/disable permissions from settings on Android M nexus 6

Application is restarting after enable/disble the permissions from Settings->apps->my app->Permissions. Adb can see Permission related app op changed... , 08-31 14:30:29.480 I/ActivityManager( 8206): Displayed…
1 answer

How to restart a JavaFX application when a button is clicked

I went through almost every post here regarding the matter but most of them doesn't explain what to do properly. To the question: I created a javaFX application, a dice game, human player vs. computer, but during any time while playing the game…
Raveen Athapaththu
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1 answer

Android 5.0 Lollipop - Nexus 10 restarting and USB Debugging not detected?

I installed the new android lollipop 5.0 on my Nexus 10. And it works great! My system is windows 8.1 pro One problem though, I'm trying to root the tablet so I can have more access like I had with kitkat. Trying to use the root toolkit to do it,…
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1 answer

How to tell Xcode to attach debugger to a process as soon as the process will start?

I'm working on something that happens just when my app restarts, and I'm trying to get logs for that. So I build my app, kill it, and restart it. Killing the app makes Xcode disconnect from the running process. After I restart the app, I can select…
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1 answer

How to resume a download when the app force-Quit?

My app have to download a pretty big file ( 390Mb), I'm using TCBlopDownloadSwift for the download ( I converted it for swift 2.0 and it works fine) and I made the config for a background download . I want , when the app force quit to be able to…
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7 answers

How to restart an application completely?

I have an application which starts a Remote Service in its first launched activity. Then, in another activity, the user can set the configuration of the application. Please note that this second activity isn't bound to the Service and I don't wish…
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