Questions tagged [lego]

Questions regarding the programming and robotic aspect of the LEGO® line of construction toys.

Questions regarding the programming and robotic aspect of the LEGO® line of construction toys. If you're looking for a place to discuss building techniques please visit Bricks Stack Exchange.

154 questions
2 answers

Combine Gyroscope and Accelerometer Data

I am building a balancing robot using the Lego Mindstorm's NXT system. I am using two sensors from HiTechnic, the first being an Accelerometer and the second being a Gyroscope. I've successfully filtered out noise from both sensors and derived…
Dylan Vester
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7 answers

Lego Mindstorms Programming - which language/IDE do you use/recommend?

I'm new to it and currently using the visual flow-chart like language that the Lego Mindstorms IDE uses. I'm impressed with how readable the diagramming language is but missing the flexiblity of actual code. I'm imagining complicated projects I want…
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4 answers

Challenge: Take a 48x48 image, find contiguous areas that result in the cheapest Lego solution to create that image!

Background Lego produces the X-Large Gray Baseplate, which is a large building plate that is 48 studs wide and 48 studs tall, resulting in a total area of 2304 studs. Being a Lego fanatic, I've modeled a few mosaic-style designs that can be put…
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9 answers

Is Lego MindStorms a good choice for basic robotics development?

I would like to learn how to write software for controlling robots. Is Lego MindStorms a good choice for this? Are there better alternatives? I'd prefer MindStorms, but after reading a couple of articles I get the impression that Lego has stopped…
Arnold Zokas
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6 answers

C# library for Lego Mindstorm NXT

Is there C# (.NET) library for Lego Mindstorm NXT, which is up-to-date? NXT.NET for LEGO Mindstorms last update 18.04.2008 MindSqualls last update 05.06.2007 Lego .NET last update…
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4 answers

Is there any Ruby or Python interpreter for Lego Mindstorm?

I want to start coding in Python or Ruby. Since I own a Lego Midstorms kit I thought it would be nice to program against it. Are there any good translators / interpeters for the Mindstorms brick?
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2 answers

Python Mindstorms RCX

I've got 30 unopened Lego Mindstorms kits that I'd love to use in my intro programming class to do some simple robotics stuff at the end of the year. We're using Python in the class, so I'd prefer there to be a way for the kids to write the programs…
Kyle Schmidt
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2 answers

Bluetooth-connection between Android and Lego Mindstorm NXT

Does anybody know, how to build a bluetooth connection between Android and LEGO-Mindstorm-NXT? The connection between two NXTs works fine. But the other Connection-type likes not so easy. I am working with the LeJOS Firmware 0.85 and the Android SDK…
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3 answers

Can I develop Lego Mindstorms in Scala?

Is there a Java SDK for Lego Mindstorms? Can I compile Scala code to JAR and run it in Lego Mindstorms?
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4 answers

C++ OOP Library for Programming the Lego NXT

A while back, I got a LEGO Mindstorms NXT set for Christmas, and now I would like to program it in C++. I have looked around, here and other places, and could not find a cross-platform, open source, OOP C++ library that "felt right", including…
Austin Hyde
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4 answers

What is the difference between the Lego Mindstorms 1.0 and 2.0

I am thinking about buying a mindstorms kit (I don't currently own one but I have used 1.0 at university) and I am a bit unsure as to the benefits of 2.0 over 1.0. I have seen other posts on the subject all saying generally 2.0 is better but I have…
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4 answers

Bluetooth connection to LEGO Mindstorms EV3 brick from iOS app

Does anybody know how to establish a bluetooth connection from a self-written iOS app to the new LEGO Mindstorms EV3 programmable brick? I tried to do this via the scanForPeripheralsWithServices:options: method of CBCentralManager, but the brick is…
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1 answer

Parse Lego Digital Designer *.lxf files

I was toying with Lego digital designer the other day ( and I was wondering if the saved file could be relatively easily parsed. As anybody ever done that before? I'm looking for code examples, no matter the language :) Thanks…
Romain Pouclet
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4 answers

Compass: from 359 to 0 degrees

I am trying to move a robot using a compass. We use the compass to make the robot move in straight line, it uses 2 wheels and they move a bit different. So we set a value between 0 and 359 as direction, and then check the current direction,…
Dr Sokoban
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2 answers

LEGO NXT Brick using NBC

I am new to NBC programming and am trying to program my Lego NXT Brick to search for and follow a line of black electrical tape that I have on the floor (I have the light sensor in the front and pointing straight down at the ground). As of right…
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