Questions tagged [lego]

Questions regarding the programming and robotic aspect of the LEGO® line of construction toys.

Questions regarding the programming and robotic aspect of the LEGO® line of construction toys. If you're looking for a place to discuss building techniques please visit Bricks Stack Exchange.

154 questions
2 answers

Speech Recognition in Turkish

Hello I'm working on a project about controlling a robot with Turkish voice commands. As I search on internet all I can find are Sphinx like speech recognition libraries but they don't support my language. Is there any possible ways to form my own…
1 answer

Bluetooth on the EV3

Before I get started. Yes, I could use leJOS, ev3dev, or some others, but I'd like to do it this way because that is how I learn. I am using the CodeSourcery arm-2009q1 arm toolchain. I fetched the required libraries (bluetooth) from here:…
1 answer

BSD for the NXT

Is it possible for me to "port" the BSD operating system over to the Lego Mindstorms NXT? If yes, has any body done it yet? Are there any examples?
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I want to write an OS for the Lego NXT 2.0. Where to start?

I want to write an OS for the Lego NXT 2.0, but I can not find information about the architecture of this system. Does anyone have any examples? Or any other useful information on the topic?
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How send numbers from android application to LEGO NXT Brick

I want control my mobile robot by android application. I use LEGO NXT and nxtOSEK platform . If I send command 0x06 0x00 0x80 0x03 0x0B 0x02 0xF4 0x01, my robot give "beep". If I send 0x01 0x02…
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4 answers

Lego Mindstorm NXT 2.0: "Error: NXT Bluetooth passkey confirmation failed"

Running Windows 7 and the Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 IDE. The Windows bluetooth manager shows the NXT is connected and the NXT shows up in the Windows list of bluetooth devices. When I try to connect from the Lego IDE, however, I get a message that…
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How could Agile methodologies be used with a middle school Lego Robotics team?

I'm a coach of a middle school Lego Robotics team, competing in our local FIRST Lego League competition. I'm interested in bringing Agile methodologies to our team. From what I've been seeing, it seems like a good fit, and would really help teach…
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1 answer

Any way to program the Lego NXT brick in Assembly Language?

The question says it all. Im currently learning assembly and thought it would be fun to program my nxt in assembly language to get practice at the language. And so I was wondering whether it is possible for this to be done. Thanks -Dan
Code Doggo
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8 answers

Is Occam-pi a good language to learn to program LEGO MINDSTORMS & Surveyor Corporation SRV-1?

Is Occam-pi a good language to learn to program LEGO MINDSTORMS & Surveyor Corporation SRV-1 robots for an programming newbie. Are there any opensource projects making use of the same -- to read source code. url for occam-pi :-…
1 answer

Reading data from lego ultrasonic/color sensor via Android app

I am working on app for Android for controlling Lego Mindstorm. I have done the basics (I can connect, send, recieve messages), so I can control motors. But I have problem with sensors. I have ultrasonic and color sensor connected. To control…
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Send message to LEGO NXT from Android

I just want to send a message just like string/number into the NXT from my Android. But NXT didnt receive the data. I use ROBOT C for NXT program and BluetoothMessage example from the ROBOT C. First, I try source code for Android from…
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1 answer

Messages, Handlers and Threading : Lego Mindstorms bluetooth communication

This question refers to writing an application that communicates with the NXT block on a lego mindstorms robot. What I want to do NXC (not exactly C, a language for writing programs for the NXT) supplies a function until(condition) that waits until…
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2 answers

Count the number of ways to combine LEGO bricks

I have an arbitrary array of lego bricks. I also have some figures made of 3 lego bricks. I want to find out how many combinations of figures I can create of the current array of lego bricks. Anybody have some references for me, so I can solve this…
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1 answer

Can I use Visual Studio 2010 to program Mindstorm NXT2 in C++

I'm considering to buy mindstorm NXT2 and I'd like to know if it is possible to develop c++ software for NXT2 using Visual Studio 2010 as IDE. I guess it will be funny to improve my C++ skills (I didn't study C, just C++) with a lego kit and in a…
1 answer

Lego Mindstorms NXT - where to find byte codes for bluetooth polling?

Could not find any any describtion about the bytecodes, which a mindstorms robot would receive, if it would be polled as a bluetooth slave device. Do someone know, where to get them?
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