Questions tagged [lazy-loading]

For programming questions about "lazy loading", a design pattern that defers initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed.

Lazy loading is a commonly used in computer programming to defer initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed. It can contribute to efficiency in the program's operation if properly and appropriately used. The opposite of lazy loading is Eager Loading.

5366 questions
1 answer

Entity Framework AsNoTracking() Infinite Navigation Property

I have implementation like this: var query = this.DbContext.Set(); if (includeProperties != null && includeProperties.Any()) { foreach (var includeProperty in includeProperties) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(includeProperty)) …
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Angular 2 Lazy Loading images

I have problems running the this plugin. I use this cli. I have add import { ImageLazyLoadModule, WebWorkerService } from "ng2-image-lazy-load"; imports: [ // import Angular's modules ... ImageLazyLoadModule, ... }), ... ], and…
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Webpack lazy loading import IE 11 Promise undefined

I am using Webpack 2 with import() but in IE 11 I got error Dynamic page loading failed ReferenceError: 'Promise' is undefined though I am using bluebird to polyfill Promises in client of my React application with babel-preset-bluebird { test:…
Aren Hovsepyan
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Angular 2 w/ TypeScript: Code Splitting by dynamically Importing Angular modules from a CDN into the core application

The Idea: I am working on a new architecture pattern for Angular 2, and I seemed to be stuck at an odd point. Lets say I have a core platform with 7 sub Angular modules I want to include into the core. The core being shared services, validation, and…
Chris Cooley
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2 answers

React server side rendering and lazy loading of webpack

I am using server side rendering with lazy loading of Webpack 2.2.0 using import() method, and using babel-plugin-transform-ensure-ignore for server side only, everything runs without errors and perfectly working except one thing. when page is…
Aren Hovsepyan
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Getting all data from website which use lazy loading

Need to get all data from website, i am using tool, which generates me JSON:* But the website where i am getting data use…
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ReactJs Lazy loader

I'm new in ReactJs. I need a lazy loader in my application when page is scroll down, I'm using ( Actually, this is working fine but first time it load all data. I want to make…
Keval Garala
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lazySizes with slick.js

I'm trying to get lazySizes to work with slick.js. Does anyone have any solutions to make this work. I have a slider with roughly 40 images on it and I would like to lazy-load the images as needed or when the next slide is about to come up. I…
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Angular 2 Lazy Loading

I'm trying to implement lazy loading on an application for a client. The purpose is to have a portal and load modules in the main app (portal) with dynamic paths - received from the backend, for example. I've found a nice example here:…
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1 answer

JHipster. Second level cache. EntityNotFoundException

I have javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException when i delete child entity from child recource controller Parent entity @Entity @Table(name = "passport") @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE) public class Passport implements…
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LazyLoading Angular 2 Selectors

I am building an angular 2 app. For one page I have this accordion list. Accordion1, Accordion2… When clicking on each accordion as expected it opens a div with content. However what I am trying to achieve is to lazy load this content so when…
Emma Vihlsson
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1 answer

Lazy loading a formula column in Fluent NHibernate

One of the property of my class is mapped to a function. My mapping looks like this: mapping.Map(x => x.FormulaField, "FormulaField") .Formula("FUNCTION_NAME") .LazyLoad(); NOTE: mapping is an instance of…
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Lazy load images using AngularJS

I am using this plugin "" to lazy load images in my AngularJS application. It works only for few images then it is not working. This is my HTML :-
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2 answers

Sharing behavior between lazy loaded app parts

as the Polymer Starter Kit or the Polymer Shop demonstrate, we make use of lazy-loading in our Polymer application. This means we have a drawer-based layout and the app shell imports the drawer content as well as the main page content. Now we…
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how to import angular2 feature modules from external domains

I am working on an angular application which acts as a container application and hosts and lazy loads multiple other angular2 applications as its feature modules. These applications are deployed as microservices and can be accessed via their own…