Questions tagged [laravel-authentication]

Laravel ships with several pre-built authentication controllers for user registration, authentication, and password reset.

Laravel ships with several pre-built authentication controllers for user registration, authentication, and password reset.

311 questions
6 answers

Checking which `guard` is loggedin

I have a multiauth laravel 5.2 app, with the fallowing guards defined on config/auth.php: ... 'admin' => [ 'driver' => 'session', 'provider' => 'admin', ], 'user' => [ 'driver' => 'session', 'provider' => 'user', ], ... So, admin…
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7 answers

How to Verify Email Without Asking the User to Login to Laravel

I am developing a Laravel application. My application is using Laravel built-in auth feature. In the Laravel auth when a user registers, a verification email is sent. When a user verifies the email click on the link inside the email, the user has to…
Wai Yan Hein
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7 answers

Command 'ui' is not defined in laravel 6.0

I start a new project in laravel but my composer installed a fresh version of laravel 6.0.1. Php artisan make:auth command can't work. I try many times but error can't remove composer require laravel/ui installed but when I use the second…
4 answers

Undefined class constant 'App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider::HOME'

After upgrading the laravel 5.8 to laravel 6.x I am getting this error: Undefined class constant 'App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider::HOME' Before upgrading the application login system was the custom. After upgrading to laravel 6.x I want to use…
2 answers

Laravel 8 Jetstream: adding new field to the registration process

I started building a web application using Laravel 8. I have noticed that quite a lot of things have changed in Laravel 8 including authentication. Now, I am trying to use Jetstream for auth. I have run the following command to integrate it into the…
Wai Yan Hein
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2 answers

Laravel 8: Using Fortify in APIs

Can Laravel Fortify be used in the context of API? From what I understand, Fortify (although being headless, i.e. doesn't include a UI layer) allows us to customize Login and Register pages, but it automatically redirects to HOME page upon…
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4 answers

Redirect to Custom URL after Registration in Laravel 5.5

I am working on cart in laravel 5.5. Whenever guests click on "Add to cart", i am redirecting to login. If they have account, they will login and redirecting to product info they have selected. Otherwise they are registering. I wanted to redirect to…
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1 answer

How to use laravel fortify for authentication in multiple places on the same website

When using laravel/UI we can create authentication scaffold on multiple places or for multiple users like admin, normal users by copy-pasting the same scaffold generated by the &--auth flag. How can we achieve the same with Fortify? How can we use…
Ajith Lal
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2 answers

Changing Laravel auth table name and column names

I want to change the table name and some column names of laravel auth table. Change table name from 'users' to 'accounts' Change table column name from 'name' to 'username' Change table column name from 'email' to 'email_addr' Change table column…
3 answers

Changing email column name in laravel 5.6 in default users table

I have my own users table which I want to use in auth, but the problem is the email field is "userEmail" instead of "email". For login page I overided the below method in LoginController.php public function username() { return…
Asif Rao
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1 answer

Expected response code 250 but got code "554", with message "554 Message rejected | Laravel Using TO Email

Laravel Version: 8.27 PHP Version $ php --version: PHP 8.0.3 (cli) Database Driver & Version $ mysql --version: mysql Ver 8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 Problem Statement: I'm getting TO email in FROM email which of course will not be verified in…
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2 answers

Where to add parameter to Route: verification.notice {language}/email/verify

Missing required parameters for [Route: verification.notice] [URI: {language}/email/verify] I added the laravel email verification to my project, after using localization. But now I have the problem that the Route: verification.notice is missing a…
2 answers

How to authenticate user without a DB in Laravel?

I created a new project in Laravel that consumes all data from an API. For private data like a user profile, I need an access token to get the data. Once I have an access token, how do I set the token as Auth::id() in Laravel? Or perhaps I can store…
1 answer

419 page expired Laravel 5.8 after login/registration in live server

after form submit for login/registration it shows 419|page expired. I used @csrf in the form. Its working on local server. but facing the issue in live server. Any help? I have 3 types of users and implemented multi auth for them. My code is given…
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2 answers

Laravel Authentication - Email in different table

I have two tables: persons: id name email phone person_type_id users id person_id password role_id etc... Could you please tell me how to make Laravel's (5.8) built in Authentication System use the email field from persons table when…
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