Questions tagged [ksoap2]

A lightweight and efficient SOAP engine suitable for J2ME or constrained java devices.

1207 questions
2 answers

WSDL soap webservice in Android, error 404

I have a wsdl url written for android to consume some soap web services. I used the to generate the classes from the wsdl URL. I added the class to my project folder in eclipse and call the method (which is used for registration…
Jashan PJ
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1 answer

Error to connect with a web service in android.. HTTP reqest failed,HTTP status 400

I have this code to call a donNet web servise on localhost. The web service take 5 values and return a string.. I took this error: Error HTTP request failed, HTTP status 400.. What is the problem here? public class MainActivity extends Activity…
1 answer

Android: Can't connect to Web service by using Ksoap2

when i send the username and password it send to me a false: the publicKey and username and password not connecting the web service , i don't know if there any problem in the…
1 answer

Parsing soap response in android using ksoap2?

i am connecnting to a online webservice and am able to get the response. i need to parse this response using the ksoap2. i tried with SAX parser and i am able to parse it.please help me on how to parse the xml using ksoap2 this is my response…
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3 answers

Sending Fahrenheit to web service, returns ERROR, help please

When im trying to contact web service and send them Fahrenheit, so that it converts them for me into celsium, but instead it returns: FahrenheitToCelsiusResponse{FahrenheitToCelsiusResult = ERROR;} package com.test123; import…
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1 answer

Webservice is not working in android-ice cream sandwich(api 15)

I'm trying to invoke a public web service via KSOAP(2.5.8). But it is not able to get data from service in ice-cream sandwich versions. It work's fine in lower versions like 2.2 and 2.3. Here's my code. import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope; import…
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2 answers

How to connect to web service with android application project using ksoap2?

I got problem on how I connected to web service using ksoap2 my code : import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.view.Menu; import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope; import org.ksoap2.serialization.PropertyInfo; import…
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1 answer

Call Webservice webmethod from android using ksoap2

I am trying to call webmethod from Android using ksoap2 then error is that : android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException. How can i user Service/InternetService in this case of android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException with code
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2 answers

How to use SOAP Service android

I am new to Android. Can anyone please help me to get started with Soap services with the help of Any example or source code ? Thanks in advance
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How to parse this xml file?

I am making a quiz game with content in a xml files. I used java language
Binh Vova
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1 answer

cannot find symbol method add SoapObject(SoapObject)

enter image description here I am getting such an error rejoice if you help me.
1 answer

How to print Android soap XML request

I need to print XML for request, not response. Object response = null; String METHOD_NAME = "GenerateOtp";// GenerateOTP String NAMESPACE = "http://com/abc/ppi"; String URL = ""; // String SOAP_ACTION =…
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1 answer

Android Parser XML Data from .net webservice USING KSOAP2

I am working on a Android application that receives response from .Net Webservice as XML. Sample XML: Area A 100000
Area B…
1 answer

How to parse String using soap?

This is my SOAP webservice.i have donn. Bt it got error.This is my code.Can anyone help to parse string in android. int string int int string string Thanks in advance. public boolean callwebservice()…
1 answer

Why Soap Responce give exception?

I am sending SOAP request appending some values in URL But There is no responce is comming give exception I am using follwing code- I have beeen more try but didn't get success please see it and give me some…
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