Questions tagged [ksoap2]

A lightweight and efficient SOAP engine suitable for J2ME or constrained java devices.

1207 questions
2 answers

Ksoap2 Android - how to specify a namespace for the child properties of a complex object?

I'm trying to upload a complex object to a WCF webservice using KSoap2 Android and having some difficulty doing this. I have achieved successful calls to the webservice when I use SoapUI and fill in the data by hand. The successful SoapUI-generated…
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2 answers

Android with WCF web service using ksoap2 - error SoapFault – faultcode: ‘a:ActionNotSupported’

I have done a simple project to call wcf web service using ksoap2. But when it calls envelope.getResponse(); it gives error saying ————– “SoapFault – faultcode: ‘a:ActionNotSupported’ faultstring: ‘The message with Action ‘GetString’ cannot…
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2 answers

exception while using ksoap2 library for android

I'm using Ksoap2 version 2.5.4 in my maven enabled android Project. Any reference to the Ksoap specific classes is throwing this exception 04-18 20:35:15.429: ERROR/dalvikvm(626): Could not find class 'org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject',…
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1 answer

kSOAP2 a little too strict with double ID exceptions?

kSOAP2 refuses to parse a SOAP response I'm getting because it contains 2 elements with the same id value. The thing is that in the XML Schema, this id is of type anyURI, not xs:ID, so it doesn't have any unicity…
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5 answers

Android, KSoap2 and .NET Web Service w/ parameters = NULL result

Apparently this is a fairly often experienced issue. I'm not sure entirely where the problem lies, or what needs to be adjusted, but for the life of me I cannot retrieve anything other than a NULL result to my SoapObject or SoapPrimitive from my…
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4 answers

Using ksop2 how to send large files to web service

i have application that picks the file from a dedicated path on my device and sends it to server. I m using ksoap2 lib to call .NET webservice to send my file to server. i am using Base 64 encoding. I can send file with max size of 1MB without…
1 answer

passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0

I am trying to use ksoap2 to access methods in a wcf soap service from android. I was able to successfully pass simple type parameters to the method, it worked fine. But when I try to pass objects, the wcf method is receiving 0 for all the object…
Ravi Chimmalgi
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2 answers

Android application working on WIFI and 3G(Without proxy), but not working on 3G(If proxy and port are assigned)

I am facing some weird problem, Only my application is not working when I switch to 3G service(With proxy) but it is working great in WIFI and 3G(without proxy). Default proxy and port given by my Starhub (network provider): Proxy: Port:…
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1 answer

ksoap2 Android unexpected type in response

Im trying to make a call to a java web service using ksoap2. I am using the ksoap2-android-assembly-2.6.5-jar-with-dependencies.jar and Android API level 8. Activity Code: private static final String SECURITY_NAMESPACE =…
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1 answer

Send an image from Android to an ASP.NET Web Service

I'm developing an Android App that should send an image to my ASP.NET Web Service where the image will be saved as a file. I've seen a couple of ways to do this and I went for this one: convert the image to a byte array -> convert the byte array to…
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1 answer

How can I cast or deserialize SoapObject to my object?

I have a .Net Webservice that returns a simple serialized object. I Have the following code to get response from my .Net webservice. How can I deserialize returned XML to my object? I want to return MyObject instead of SoapPrimitive. private static…
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2 answers

Android Ksoap2 SoapFault - faultcode: 'soap:Client' faultstring: 'Server was unable to read request

i'm using eclipse to develop over android, i'm trying to connect to a .net webservice... when i'm calling a webmethod ,it is not able t fetch the data when checked in log cat it shows **10-27 11:46:44.222: WARN/System.err(638): 02-22 12:41:08.008:…
Nikhil Virupakshi
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4 answers

The import org.ksoap2.transport.HttpTransportSE cannot be resolved

I downloaded ksoap2 from this link: after importing the downloaded .jar file into an Android project in Eclipse, I got import error for only the first import line (HttpTransportSE). I searched but nobody else has had/posted this issue. How could…
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1 answer

using addMapping without the "i:type=" attribute in ksoap2 for android

I am using the envelope.addMapping function in ksoap2 and I need to make it generate items with no i:type attribute. This is the soap request my code generates
John Neville
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7 answers

Serialize an array of ints to send using KSOAP2

I'm having a problem trying to send an array of ints to a .NET web service which expects an array in one of the arguments. That's at least what I understand from the API description on the web service which says…
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