Questions tagged [android-ksoap2]

a lightweight and efficient SOAP client library for the Android platform

The ksoap2-android project provides a lightweight and efficient SOAP client library for the Android platform.

It is a fork of the kSOAP2 library that is tested mostly on the Android platform, but should also work on other platforms using Java libraries. It is still using Java 1.3 so should work fine on JavaME, Blackberry and so on.

ksoap2-android has been consistently enhanced and expanded with more features. It is actively maintained and we welcome bug fixes and contributions. Releases are done semi regularly with community contributions in the form of enhancements and more.

More information on the website and github repository and mailing list.

745 questions
4 answers

What is the correct Way to integrate KSOAP library in Android Studio?

I am trying something like this, In Gradle, Inside Build Types, repositories { maven { url 'http://ksoap2-android.googleco/svde.cmomn/2-repo' } and in dependencies . . . compile…
Naman Vaishnav
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Android sending push notification through .net webservices

I am using following webservice for sending Push notification from Android. When I call this webservice first time, it takes so much time and push notification is not delivered on Android Device. It happens only when called from Android. It works…
4 answers

ksoap2 org.xmlpull.v1.xmlpullparserexception expected start_tag error

Below is my code, which I have written to validate user log in credentials. The web service written using .net private static final String SOAP_ACTION = ""; private static final String OPERATION_NAME =…
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Trying to build a correct SOAP Request

I have been struggling for hours trying to build the correct SOAP request using ksoap2 for Android with no luck. The ideal request looks like this:
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1 answer

When to use Soapobject and SoapPrimitive

I have been working with ksoap2 lately. I am still confused whether what is the EXACT difference between SoapObject and SoapPrimitive. And when to use them. I guess its something related to string and arrays. Is it true? I found some links but got…
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JSON String returned from SOAP web service containing no records for table

I have a SOAP web service(.asmx) implemented using the .NET framework that returns me a JSON String in this form: {"checkrecord":[{"rollno":"abc2","percentage":40,"attended":12,"missed":34}],"Table1":[]} Now in my Android app I am using…
Parth Doshi
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3 answers

Message Security with Mutual Certificates for Android & iOS

I would like to ask the following. We have a mobile app both for Android & iOS that exchanges data with a .NET server. For Android the ksoap2 library is used, while for iOS the Alamofire with AEXML libraries are used. We would like to enable…
Dimitris Makris
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1 answer

How to use KSoap 2 in android

I've just came across to ksoap2 for using my own asp .net webservices in android apps. I've found few great resources over internet and I've implemented my webservice in android app. Following is the webservice's response I consumed: HTTP/1.1 200…
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3 answers

Very large SOAP response - Android- out of memory error

I have an application where i need to download a large amount of data via a SOAP call to a webservice into the application when it is first run. The response is then sent to a function which converts the XML and stores the data in a db file. The…
Mukul Jain
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3 answers

SoapFault - faultcode: '1062' faultstring: 'Shipping method is not available'

Hello i am developing an Android app which uses Magento as the backend and i am using SOAP webervice of magento, I have added all the product , customer and customer address information to the cart , But when i try to add the shipping method to the…
Sudhir Belagali
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2 answers

How to increase transport.dump size from 256 bytes to 512 or more bytes in KSOAP2?

I have HttpTransportSE object from KSOAP2 library. I want to dump response file which may contains mote then simple 9697 character. currently i am doing it by making transport. transport.debug = true; System.out.println("Response…
3 answers

Call .NET web service in Android

My .NET web service returns an XML. When I call the web service with ksoap2 in Android, I have this issue. Please help. My Logcat in Eclipse 12-19 15:58:11.951: W/dalvikvm(2041): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception…
Erhan Demirci
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1 answer

How to use ksoap timeout in android?

I am using ksoap2 to create a user registration application in Android. When I send request to the server and there is no response within 10 seconds I want to prompt the user with a "Try again" message. If the server responds within 10 seconds I…
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.net web service returning NULL objects in the beginning of data

I have web service, which is returning XML data. but in the data I am receiving Null fields in the beginning of it. The actual data is also available but followed by Null fields. I am accessing the webservice in Android using ksoap2. SoapObject…
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4 answers

Pass complex parameter from ksoap Android to WCF Web-Service

I'm calling .NET WCF Web Service from ksoap my WebMethod take one complex parameter UpdatableCustomerInfo public class UpdatableCustomerInfo implements KvmSerializable { public String CustomerId; public String Facebook; @Override public Object…
Niklaus Wirth
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