Questions tagged [kmm]

28 questions
3 answers

Use Gradle sub-projects with Kotlin multiplatform

I'm using Kotlin multi-platform (JVM & JS), which in IDEA creates three projects: demo, demo-js and demo-jvm. I would like to split the common code into more subprojects/submodules. Let's say I add commonmod; how do I make it compile? The error…
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1 answer

Does KMM works in Android Studio - Windows Version

I need to build an app for both iOS and Android. I am getting this error after restarting Android Studio. Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin issue Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin is supposed to work on macOS only I am using a windows…
2 answers

Coroutine - Avoiding using Suspend function

I am new to KMM and coroutines. Is there a way to await for a response from an async function without needing to make the dependent function also suspend? Code Example // In HttpClient.kt in commonMain class MyHttpClient { val client =…
1 answer

Adding Ktor To Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile results in Unresolved reference: HttpClient

I can't get Ktor to work in a KMM project, I just get a Unresolved reference: HttpClient error when trying to reference any Ktor classes. If I try to manually add the ktor import it says Unresolved reference io. Other dependencies like Kermit…
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3 answers

Could Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile work with Jetpack Compose?

There are 2 problems that do not allow to generate compatibility between these technologies Jetpack Compose The first problem is that it only works with Android Studio Canary x. Android Studio 4.2 Beta 6 Jetpack Compose is a preview feature, and…
Braian Coronel
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Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile - Issue while running ios app from Android studio

I'm exploring KMM, I have done with the setup in Android Studio. I could able to run the Android app perfectly, but when I try to run the ios app, facing an issue in configuration setup. Xcode project scheme Dropdown is empty. I have attached a…
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2 answers

Cannot access expected class constructor parameters in kotlin multi-platform

I'm currently working on a multi-platform module using kotlin. To do so, I rely on the expect/actual mechanism. I declare a simple class in Common.kt: expect class Bar constructor( name: String ) I'd like to use the defined class in a common…
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Android Studio KMM Project with c/c++ module Error

We are trying to build a KMM (Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile) app for ios and android. There are c/c++ modules included in this project. At iOS build we are getting this error from a .h file: error: use of '@import' when modules are disabled In xcode…
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0 answers

Incompatible Kotlin/Native libraries

Android Studio 4.1.3 Brand new KMM project. All defaults accepted. No new code added, right out of the gate: Incompatible Kotlin/Native libraries There are 2 third-party libraries attached to the project that were compiled with an older…
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1 answer

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile can't find klib package

I've read these SO posts 1, 2, 3 which faced a similar problem. I'm trying to use a .klib in my KMM Android project. The Klib is built from library.h C header. Here's what I did: I built the Kotlin Library Using the following Gradle block in the KMM…
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Kotlin coroutines delay do not work on IOS queue dispatcher

I have a KMM app, and there is code: fun getWeather(callback: (WeatherInfo) -> Unit) { println("Start loading") GlobalScope.launch(ApplicationDispatcher) { while (true) { val response =…
1 answer

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile: Project already has a CocoaPods dependency with name SDWebImage

I have created a demo project to integrate cocoapods into the KMM project. I have followed this link from the official website. At step 3 while reimporting the project, I am receiving the following error. Project already has a CocoaPods dependency…
Fatin Wasta
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My iPhone won't show up in "Execution List" on Android Studio

I'm trying my hand at Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile, and am trying to run the demo app on an iPhone. I am able to run it easily on the iPhone Simulator from Android Studio itself, but if I connect my real iPhone to the MacBook, I am unable to see it…
0 answers

Kotlin kmm create variable with type: CValuesRef

var cryptor: CValuesRef With kotlin KMM, in project iosMain I can't init data for cryptor. I need init data for var because i need using func CCCryptorCreateWithMode I try var cryptor: CValuesRef = memScoped {…
0 answers

Nested Package Dependencies Modules Error

I have created 3 package with the following dependency structure Package1 + Package2 + Package3 RandomPackage + Package1 For Package1 I added package2 and Package3 under Dependencies and Link Binary With Libaries For RandomPackage I only…
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