Questions tagged [kmm]

28 questions
1 answer

Why do I get "Unresolved reference: platform" when using the firebase-bom dependency with KMM

When I attempt to add the Firebase-bom dependency using the following block in a Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) project's shared module, the word platform appears in red error text and the Gradle build fails with "Unresolved reference: platform."…
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i386 architecture is not supported in Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile

We are facing some issues while creating Fat framework or xcframework with the architecture i386 (which is required when we supports iOS 10) Below given error messages comes when we create xcframework for iosArm32 & iosArm64 together. Both ios-armv7…
Shubham Garg
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Nested KMM Package Not referenced correctly

I am trying to used 2 KMM packages inside of my iOS app however its not being referenced correctly. Here is my dependency structure: iOSApp + KmmPackageOne + KmmPackageTwo KmmPackageOne + KmmPackageTwo Here are the example files im trying to…
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multiplatform mobile application development

Is there anybody who kindly help me to make a decision between kotlin multi-platform mobile (KMM) with android studio versus javafx (gluon) for IOS/Android application development. -Run time performance (startup time, code size,power consumption,…
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Kotlin Multiplatform serve ktor as backend jvm module

I'm working on my multiplatform project and added ktor based backend module as part of it as i wanted to share my common code with this backend module i've added it to dependencies implementation(project(":shared")) But there seems to be an issue…
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Kotlin Multiplatform: How to call getOriginalKotlinClass from swift?

How to get Kotlin Class from swift code? I need it for dependency inection. In documentation it says that there's a method getOriginalKotlinClass, but where can I get it? For example I have an object that is available in swift from Kotlin library…
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How do I add a watchOS target to my existing KMM project?

I have a project that I made using KMM plugin on android studio for Android and iOS. The project seems to be running fine. Now I want to add a watchOS target to the existing ios App and have no clue how to go about this. My shared build.gradle.kts…
Shivam Dhuria
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KMM How to use kotlin generics in swift?

sorry for my bad english :( I want to create app with KMM, and maximize shared code. And only that i want to write twice is UI and Navigation. So i create ViewModel in shared code. open class ViewModel(initialState: T) where T : ViewState { …
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Kotlin Multiplatform Module Library

I've been working on some library which we want to ship for both Android and iOS, so far we were working for Android and iOS separately. Now considering that so many people started using KMM for their application, I just wanted to know if anyone has…
0 answers

Kotlin Multiplatform project gives this error while trying to access StateFlow Cannot access kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow

In my KMM App trying to collect the state of the data via coroutine StateFlow but it throwing me this error does anyone know what could cause this to happen Cannot access 'kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow' which is a supertype of…
Chinthaka Devinda
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Gradle build for sqldelight Generation failed with line 17:10 - '{' expected, got ':' Android Studio version 4.1.2

I am converting a working Android Studio app to the KMM Environment. At this point I have a very simple KMM framework. Once I added SQLDelight to the common packages I started getting the following error on my build. I have checked every example I…
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configuration to Ignore self-signed certificate in ktor httpClient(js) JS engine

Kotlin multiplatform library, my setup looks like the following. Obviously, my JS test fails with the error "Error: Fail to fetch" because the Ktor httpClient(JS) was not configured to ignore/Trust Self Signed certificate. and according to the…
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DataBinding error in multiplatform app using Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM)

I'm new in Kotlin and I'm facing problem with DataBinding - Cannot access class ViewModel. Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies. But DataBinding is connect in block buildFeatures My build.gradle.kts(androidApp): …
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