Questions tagged [key-management]

77 questions
1 answer

Websphere BASE version - Manage endpoint security configurations

I need to set-up the Endpoint security configuration ( Reference - This IBM Doc ) When I do Admin Console -> Security -> SSL certificate and key management -> Manage endpoint security configurations According to the IBM doc, I should be seeing…
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How to secure database credentials in spring mvc service layer

I have to create a banking application using Spring MVC and MySQL enterprise database. Encryption and Decryption of data are done using keys provided by MySQL Enterprise database. Some of the options that I have found to secure this database…
0 answers

Kyy management for Website

I have a website that communicate with the webservice(the website doesn't have Database all communication via Webservice). so you can access this webservice, you need a AES key to encrypt some fields and the webservice verify this encryption. the…
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WSO2 API Manager 1.9.1 Key Manager access token translation

I have an OpenIdConnect Identity Provider hooked up to the API Manager. I am able to authenticate and retrieve an access token using authorization_code and implicit grant types. The access token created by the OpenIdConnect IP is different than the…
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Key Management Interoperable Protocol

When we say "KMIP is an interoperable protocol", what does this really mean ? Please explain in this context only. I know the meaning of interoperable.
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How to protect secret from other programs in Windows

Is there a way to securely save sensitive data, such as AES encryption key, in Windows? I'd like to make the data available only to my program. I know that DPAPI (CryptProtectData / CryptUnprotectData) protects my data from the access from other…
Susumu Arai
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Apigee key management in Java

For our portal development, we have decided to use Apigee to expose the web service to the portal. For which currently I am storing the API Key and Api URL in the properties file of the project. Can anyone help with some pointers on how else can I…
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Storing encryption keys for desktop application(Email Client)[Duplication]

There are so many articles on stack-overflow and security.stackexchange on storing encryption keys, but I am still confused, so that's why I decided to ask again here. Basically, I am creating an Email client for education purpose, in that Users can…
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Verifying Signed Hash using Digital Signature

I am implementing a interface that takes 3 things as input X509 certificate A signedHash that was signed with that certificate’s private key The initial hash It must perform the following actions: Confirm that this hash is signed using the…
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Secure method for holding user logins between backend and another service

My Java app server is about to integrate with a RESTful web service and will be polling it for content (JSON) to display to my users. My users login with their usernames/passwords, which I must then hash + salt and then forward on to the web service…
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Multicast encryption for a file download

I have a program which has paid addons, which get updated frequently. Users will have to buy a subscription to be able to use certain addons (i.e pay a monthly free). The main reason I chose a subscription based model for the addons is simple, the…
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where to store cryptographic keys

I am inviting a temporary worker to write a part of my app for iPhone. Much of the data is encrypted using mcrypt. The data is generated on Android or iPhone and decrypted in php, and vice-versa. Is there any way the temporary worker can do his task…
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Jenkins do not authenticate by SSH key on Git

I've been trying to start a job on Jenkins to clone a repository by SSH Key but even after I setup the credentials I've keep getting a passphrase error. Sorry by portuguese prints. I missed some setup configuration? Thanks. WORKAROUND I removed…
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Cryptographic Agility and Key Management

I have a design question. I have a web application that uses .NET encryption APIs to encrypt/decrypt data. (App uses old crypto algorithms like MD5 and SHA-1). Also, app hard-codes the encryption keys in the production code. I would like to; 1 )…
ilker Acar
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How to restrict access to a resource based on frequency of access?

I want to restrict access to a particular resource based on time (configurable). So suppose user A has time t configured from him. He can access the resource only once every t time units. The values of t can be from a fixed set but not a very small…
Ruchir Patwa
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