Questions tagged [key-management]

77 questions
1 answer

AWS KMS How to use Decrypt function Java

My question might sound too obvious but I am new to Amazon KMS. After reading a lot of docs on AWS I understood that if I am using CMK directly for encryption and decryption I can directly do it by creating encrypt and decrypt request. But what I…
Abhishek Garg
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Build Always On with TDE encryption using EKM Asymmetric Key

We are trying to create HA Group using the always on feature . Our database is encrypted with TDE using an EKM (External cryptographic provider- HSM) . When trying to build availability group through the Wizard you can not choose databases with…
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What is the point of using Azure Key Vault instead of only App Configuration?

Is there any point in using Azure Key Vault over App Configuration? Yes, yes, I know - they are complimentary, key vault for secrets, app config for... well, app config. But, considering they are both encrypted, basically for someone to see either a…
0 answers

How to achieve Column Level Encryption in SQL by securing the key in Secret (Thycotic) Server?

My project has a requirement to encrypt a sensitive field column in SQL server table but the encryption/decryption key shall be kept outside SQL environment to ensure maximum data security. Thycotic server is one secret server to store and secure…
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How to technically guarantee BYOK data privacy in Azure

Can data stored in Azure using BYOK (storage accounts, databases etc) be technically (rather than contractually) assured to be not to be access even from Microsoft? For example we assume the HSM key has been securely transferred to HSM backed Key…
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JWE and the key management modes

Wrapping my head around JWE and the key management modes. The point of JWE is to prevent third parties to see/change the token. Only the token issuer and resource server should be able to use it. (Is this correct?) To encrypt the token's payload, we…
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How to access key value from AWS Key Management Service in data bricks

I am creating a solution in AWS data bricks and wanted to access the userID and password of RDS from AWS KMS. Anyone has created this scenario please help.
Gaurav Gangwar
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How can I persist tpm keys on disk using .NET and Tpm2Lib?

Instead use the tpm limited non-volatile memory, I want to persist a generated tpm key on my hard disk. What is the best way to this? I'm using the Tpm2Lib to .NET from Microsoft, and I'm implementing that solution at linux OS.
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How to securely store the amazon access token for Amazon KMS

I am exploring the amazon KMS managed service and it seems secure for storing the Master key and Data key. I am able to decrypt the data key as plain text from encrypted data key using AWS KMS API / CLI. But I have one concern, to access the…
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Retrieve keys from Authorization keys function level authorization in Azure using C#

I need to get the keys through code, not through a portal. For doing this I have found REST API in Google. This is the link to Azure Key management API, but do this we need to do an authentication. We have to develop all this using C# only.
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HSM and custom module

We are implementing safety-critical system, where the FIPS 140-2 compliant HSM (hardware security module) is required to generate and store key material, perform encryption/decryption and run custom code with the following requirements set for the…
Tuomas Toivonen
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USB token PKI decryption

I'm looking for USB token solution for asymmetrical decryption purpose. The server has encrypted sensitive data with periodically rotating data encryption key (DEK), which is stored alongside with the encrypted data, encrypted itself with…
Tuomas Toivonen
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Pros and cons of JWE Key Management Modes

I've been searching a lot but nothing hit the spot, they are questions about JWE key management. Scenario: Server wants to send sensitive data to client, and it chooses to encrypt the data with a symmetric algorithm by a symmetric key, i.e, Content…
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How to handle key rotations in azure key vault

I have to implement key rotations in my application. I have some idea how to do that but I am not sure if everything is OK with that solution. Ok, lets start. I have couple places in my application where I use the KeyVaultClient(Azure KeyVault…
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AspNet Core issue when deployed in ubuntu server

I have several aspnet core applications served in Ubuntu server (16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-97-generic x86_64)), Those applications always have worked very well, they are webapi configured very similar each other, but yesterday I have a problem…
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