Questions tagged [wso2is]

WSO2 Identity Server enables enterprise architects and developers to improve customer experience by reducing identity provisioning time, guaranteeing secure online interactions, and delivering a reduced single sign-on environment.

WSO2 Identity Server enables enterprise architects and developers to improve customer experience by reducing identity provisioning time, guaranteeing secure online interactions, and delivering a reduced single sign-on environment. The WSO2 Identity Server decreases identity management and entitlement management administration burden by including role base access control (RBAC) convention, fine-grained policy based access control, and SSO bridging.

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2612 questions
1 answer

Custom Claim Handling Failed In Single Sign On

I am using the WSO2 Identity Server for Single Sign-On Implementations. In my demo applications, I am trying to get Custom claim attributes of authenticated Users from my own JDBC Database. I followed this blog of Pushpalanka. This worked fine for…
Tilakraj Jayswal
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3 answers

Spring Boot: Full authentication is required to access this resource

I am doing example of Spring Boot Security with wso2is server from this post, when I am trying to access resource with access token I am getting {"error":"unauthorized","error_description":"Full…
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1 answer

Difference between grant_type=client_credentials and grant_type=password in Authentication Flow?

I would like to understand the difference between grant_type=client_credentials and grant_type=password in Authentication or in OAuth2 Flow concept. I am following below…
2 answers

RBAC/ABAC via XACML policies

I am studying about various types of access control models and came across to know that abac and rbac are the popular ones. I've a basic scenario for one of my project and I couldn't understand should I go with RBACor ABAC. Obviously RBAC is subset…
Haris Qureshi
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1 answer

OAuth 2.0 using Spring Security + WSO2 Identity Server

I'm developing a web application to expose a number of RESTful services secured by OAuth 2.0. Here is the planned architecture: 1- OAuth Authorization Provider: WSO2 Identity Server (IS) 2- OAuth Resource Server: Java web application using the…
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2 answers

Cannot sign in to management console: potential cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack thwarted

I'm trying out the WSO2 Identity Server. I downloaded the version 5.4.0, and started the server on my Windows machine with wso2server.bat --run. If I try to login to the console with the default credentials (admin / admin), I get an error 403 -…
Paolo Tedesco
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2 answers

SSO Session Timeout works incorrectly

I'm trying to configure session timeout using WSO IS 5.1.0. I have one Service Provider, which has session timout 10 minutes. I've configured SSO sesison timeot to 10 minutes in WSO2 is using Managment console on Resident Identity Provider section.…
Taras Kohut
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0 answers

How to make external ldap as primary user store in wso2 identity server 5.10.0

I am trying to setup Apache Directory studio as external ldap(Primary user store) in wso2is 5.10.0 with following configuration in deployment.toml file [super_admin] username = "admin" password = "admin" #admin_role = "admin" create_admin_account =…
Arbaz Sheikh
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1 answer

WSO2 identity server api

I am designing a new application that needs identity management functionality (i.e. managing user accounts and roles). I would like to delegate that functionality to an Identity Server. Is there a REST or SOAP API's exposed by WSO2 Identity Server…
Chris Snow
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1 answer

WSO2 IS: How to add SSL Certificate

I've done following steps Create keystore: keytool -genkey -alias wso2carbon -keyalg RSA -keystore wso2carbon.jks -keysize 2048 Crete certificate request: keytool -certreq -alias wso2carbon -keystore wso2carbon.jks -storepass wso2carbon Bought…
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2 answers

Application User tokens Gives Resource Forbidden error in WSO2 API Manager

I have configured wso2 identity server as a key manager for wso2 api manager using the following link.1 I have created the api through wso2 api manager publisher.And i have given auth type as Application&Application user. When i am invoking api's…
1 answer

Spring SAML integration with WSO2 Identity server, SAML Message ID not reconised

I have taken the Spring SAML example (see section 4.2 in this guide) which works with the Open source login page SSO, and tried to add support to use WSO2 Identity Server as an additional IDP service. To do this I changed the spring SAML sample…
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2 answers

How to create a .NET client for a wso2 Secure Token Service

I need to create a .NET client for a wso2 Secure Token Service. Normally I would create a simple console or WinForm project adding a Service Reference to it. The exposed WSDL would be turned in a set of classes that I can use to query the service…
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2 answers

WSO2 Identity Server and SSO for custom application

We're currently evaluating the WSO2 Identity Server and I got a few questions about it: Could the Identity Server be used as an SSO provider for custom applications deployed (just like CAS)? Is there a client API to access the server…
Adrian Mitev
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2 answers

Spring Security integration with WSO2 Identity Server

Does Spring Security integrates with WSO2 Identity Server? If yes, then is there any sample or tutorial available for this?
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