Questions tagged [kendo-ui-mvc]

Server side wrappers that enable the use of Kendo-UI widgets from the back-end in MVC applications.

Kendo UI for ASP.NET MVC is a set of server-side wrappers that allow the use of Kendo UI widgets from C# or VB.NET code.

By using server wrappers, we can either assign the datasource or we can overwrite server control events, such as datasource binding and update events.

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181 questions
2 answers

Dynamically build lambda expression from a collection of objects?

I have a list of sorts stored in this format: public class ReportSort { public ListSortDirection SortDirection { get; set; } public string Member { get; set; } } And I need to turn it into a lambda expression of type…
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1 answer

Setting the default grouping in Kendo Grid

I have a requirement to group a grid by default on a particular column and to not allow the user to remove the grouping on that column. Is this possible?
Abi P
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1 answer

Inline Grid kendoComboBox get value in javascript

This is my function userNameEditor function userNameEditor(container, options) { $('') .appendTo(container) .kendoComboBox({ dataTextField: "UserName", dataValueField:…
3 answers

Kendo UI for ASP.NET Core - kendo is not defined

I keep getting the following error when I try to create a Grid or a Chart using Kendo UI. A simple ComboBox will work, though. We are using the commercial lisence and downloaded the js and css from Telerik's website while authenticated. Uncaught…
JF Beaulieu
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2 answers

How to remove all Kendo DropDownList elements from document.body (DOM)

We are using about 3 DropDownList components inside a cardView kendo.ui.Window item. When the window is closed, we're calling the 'destroy' method for each of the contained DropDownList items. The problem is that the following code is not removing…
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1 answer

Cannot read property 'value' of undefined in Kendo Pivot Grid MVC

I am working with Kendo Pivot Grid. When I expand row I get error in console. Cannot read property 'value' of undefined. Before I get error I was refresh datasource with JavaScript and I didn't remove Measures and dimensions. When I remove…
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1 answer

Different Kendo grid Datasource when grouping applied

I have a Kendo grid, with the following decleration: @(Html.Kendo().Grid() .Name("invoiceDetailGrid") …
1 answer

How to create kendo pie chart with model in MVC

I am trying to create a Pie chart through model and controller in MVC using Kendo UI which will show the total for two types of food but I am not able to get the results due to the attached error. Types to show in pie chart: 1)Beverages and…
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1 answer

Conditional binding based on flag

I have a Kendo-UI Grid with an AJAX datasource. I am working with ASP.NET-MVC. The model looks like this: public class QuestionModelPlayer { public Guid Id { get; set; } public String Description { get; set; } public string TextAnswer {…
0 answers

kendo TabStrip is not working when i am clicking on kendo tabs it append the url

// this is my kendo strip code...... @(Html.Kendo().TabStrip() .Name("TabStripPatientHome") .Items(tabStrip => { tabStrip.Add() …
sonu bante
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1 answer

How to set first item as selected in listview kendoui

#:CustomerVersion# #:Rank# #:AccountType# By default, the first list item should be selected on load of the page. How to achieve this?