Questions tagged [jrules]

JRules is a business rules management system used to create, run and govern rule-based applications.

JRules is a business rules management system used to create, run and govern rule-based applications. It was created by ILOG which was acquired by IBM.

98 questions
5 answers

Pros and cons of Java rules engines

What are the pros and cons to adopting the Java rules engines JESS and Drools? Are there any other players? I understand that Drools is Open Source and JESS is not, but how do they compare in other areas like ease of use, performance, level of…
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3 answers

Rule Engine in JavaScript

Is there any Rule engine in JavaScript? The question is in this context: Consider a web application having a form that users fill up. As a user fills up each field and proceeds to the next, business logic written in JavaScript controls the…
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3 answers

What are the myths about rules engine?

I'm writing a presentation about rule engine technology, specifically JBoss Drools. What are some of the 'myths' about rule engines. One I can think of is that it allows business users to control the rule engine, I believe it is possible, but it…
Steven Herod
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Is drools the same as jrules?

Is there a difference between Drools and Jrules? Is Jboss rules the same thing as Jrules? What type of environments typically use Drools?
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1 answer

How to define a function for use in an ODM decision table w/o changing the XOM?

I'm using ODM 8.5 (the JRules successor). In my Java domain, I have a three-character String field that represents a number, "000" to "999". I'd like to have a decision table that represents logic like: if field is between "000" and "012" then set…
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2 answers

what would be the purpose of Automatic Variable in ILOG Jrules?

In the rule studio , while verbalizing a BOM object , there is checkbox called "Generate Automatic Variable" , what would be its purpose ? Is it a global variable ?
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1 answer

ilog jrules and database connection

I am using IBM ilog jrules 7.1 trial for doing a POC.I am using decision tables to check customer registration data. my ilog decision table rule is -- If a customer's state is any of CA,IL,AL then set status as 'eligible' else make the customer as…
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3 answers

How do I add comment lines to a business rule authored in Business Action Language

I am using JRules to author business rules. I want to add comments to the rules as shown in the very simple example below. I realise there is a documentation section for the rule but that is not what I require // comments needed here definitions…
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3 answers

how to invoke ilrmain function in ilog jrules

how do I invoke ilrmain function in ilog jrules , is it invoked implcitly or do we have to explcitly invoke , in the latter case , how do I do it. IBM documentation is very obscure regarding ilrmain function.
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1 answer

rule overriding in ilog jrules rule studio

I have been trying out ilog jrules for sometime now.I especially interested in rule overriding feature, though there is pure IRL way to create heirachies and override the rules programatically. I want to use rule studio for rule overriding rather…
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2 answers

Debugging (setting break point) Ilog Jrules in evaluation part

I'm working with Jrules and ODM. One of my evaluations fails due to a null pointer, and I want to know which particular condition failed. How can I do this? The Jrules tutorials shows setting debug point in the action part, but not the evaluation…
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1 answer

Equivalent Drools syntax for setting a variable from an object within a collection in ILOG

In our ILOG rules irl files we have numerous occurrences of setting a variable from a collection and setting another variable from the collection which doesn't equal the first object student1: in all_students; student2:…
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1 answer

Failed to check license ilog.rules.res.xu.IlrLocalizedResourceException: error code: XU.ERROR.10700

I am trying to execute iLog jRules (Version 7.1) from Plain Java program. I am using J2SE session factory. Still I am getting below error. Can someone please enlighten ? Also what is the best and simple way to execute jRules rules from java main…
2 answers

Remove whitespaces, from input string type parameter value, using BAL in ILog Jrule

I have a rule which take a String type input parameter. Can I remove the whitespaces from the value this parameter holds using BAL. If not what is the other option to do this. In this JRule there is a decision table where condition column is this…
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0 answers

JRuleEngine Android Sample Source code

Can you please help me to get some sample code of JRuleEngine integrated with Android Sample. I searched in Google. I couldn't get . Please share the sample if anyone have. I gone through the sample which given in JRuleEngine page which is simple…
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