Questions tagged [jess]

Jess is a forward-chaining rule engine written in Java. It implements a Lisp-like rule language very similar to the classic CLIPS language.

Jess is a forward-chaining rule engine written in Java, developed by Ernest Friedman-Hill of Sandia National Labs. It implements a Lisp-like rule language very similar to the classic CLIPS language. You can learn more about Jess at .

Jess provides rule-based programming suitable for automating an expert system, and is often referred to as an expert system shell. In recent years, intelligent agent systems have also developed, which depend on a similar capability.

Rather than a procedural paradigm, where a single program has a loop that is activated only one time, the declarative paradigm used by Jess continuously applies a collection of rules to a collection of facts by a process called pattern matching. Rules can modify the collection of facts, or they can execute any Java code.

Jess can be used to build Java servlets, EJBs, applets, and full applications that use knowledge in the form of declarative rules to draw conclusions and make inferences. Since many rules may match many inputs, there are few effective general purpose matching algorithms. The Jess rules engine uses the Rete algorithm.

194 questions
5 answers

Pros and cons of Java rules engines

What are the pros and cons to adopting the Java rules engines JESS and Drools? Are there any other players? I understand that Drools is Open Source and JESS is not, but how do they compare in other areas like ease of use, performance, level of…
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What are the myths about rules engine?

I'm writing a presentation about rule engine technology, specifically JBoss Drools. What are some of the 'myths' about rule engines. One I can think of is that it allows business users to control the rule engine, I believe it is possible, but it…
Steven Herod
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Rules Engine: Best fit for an embedded system

I have been doing some research on the rules engines that would be more appropriate run on a embedded system. The system will collect information from sensors and according to that information, make specific C/C++ calls. An example would be: IF…
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4 answers

What is the best language in which to write an expert system?

Is LISP or something like Jess the best choice? I'm interested in writing a program that makes a suggestion based on users' answers. Computational considerations are not really a factor this is pretty much a pattern matching engine. Also I would…
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1 answer

Passing lambdas with arguments in Jess

I have defined a boolean Jess function that accepts a lambda, as follows: (deffunction at-least(?n ?lambda $?values) (>= (length$ (filter ?lambda ?values)) ?n)) Which I can call as follows: (bind ?condition1 (at-least 1 (lambda (?arg) (= ?arg…
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1 answer

Output of JESS in Java

I want to send a "fact" to a JESS file within java and get the results back. I basicly batch the JESS file and then send my data (structure in here) into the engine by .add(). I tried to get the JESS results, which should be a string, into a…
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1 answer

Jess and FuzzyJ assistance

I'm trying to learn Jess and FuzzyJ but am having problems getting a simple program to run. I have looked at it for hours and am no quite sure why it doesn't run. If someone could point me in the right direction it would be very much…
Roy McAvoy
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1 answer

Android and Jess Expert system integration

Is it possible to run jess file(.CLP) in android studio? if someone have done, please help me our give me Link of ant tutorial.
hassan mirza
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How to execute Jess in php

Can someone help me with integration Java Expert System Shell with php? I just want to execute some jess file (.clp) in php code, but I'm not sure if this is possible. I'm not an expert of php neither jess.
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2 answers

JESS vs DROOLS : Backward chaining

I'm trying to replace Jess with Drools as backward chaining rule engine in our project. I was looking for simple examples about how backward chaining is done with Drools. Interestingly, there's only 1 same example on every site (which I don't get…
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3 answers

Rules engine for spatial and temporal reasoning?

I have an application that receives a number of datums that characterize 3 dimensional spatial and temporal processes. It then filters these datums and creates actions which are then sent to processes that perform the actions. Rinse and repeat. At…
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2 answers

How to deploy clips expert system on the web using jsp

I finished reading a book on clips expert system shell before I heard about Jess. I'm trying to implement a web based expert system. I've written the code on clips, but the program has to run from the command line, however I would like to implement…
1 answer

Jess multislot questions

This is for a homework assignment, but I am having a really hard time finding good jess information on the web. I'm trying to use a multislot to to solve a problem, but I can't find anything on how to match the different values. I have…
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FuzzyJess doesn't aggregate (fuzzy union) rule consequents

I am doing a sample project with FuzzyJess. To start, I must be able to drive a robot avoiding obstacles. I have a bunch of rules like these: (defrule avoid-obstacle-left (ProximitySensors (left ?left & :(fuzzy-match ?left "near")) …
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1 answer

JESS -> How to check the type of a variable and test it?

I have a assignment in JESS (Java Expert System Shell) and I'm having some trouble with it. I'm trying to check if a certain variable (read from the keyboard) is a positive integer (I have already managed to check if it is positive) but I can't find…
Sasha Fonseca
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