Questions tagged [jquery-dynatree]

Dynatree is a JavaScript tree view plugin for jQuery with support for persistence, keyboard, multiple selection, drag and drop, and dynamic Ajax loading.

Dynatree is a JavaScript tree view plugin for jQuery with support for persistence, keyboard, multiple selection, drag and drop, and dynamic Ajax loading.

Main features

  • Optimized for large dynamic trees (DOM elements are only created when really needed).
  • Programmable through a rich object oriented interface.
  • Support for lazy loading and Ajax.
  • Checkboxes and hierarchical selection
  • Supports drag and drop.
  • Support for persistence.
  • Keyboard aware.
  • Initializes from HTML code, JSON, or JavaScript objects.

Quick start

  • Include jQuery and dynatree libraries.
  • Add a element where the tree should appear.
  • Initialize the dynatree object when the page is loaded.


104 questions
7 answers

how to reload/refresh/reinit DynaTree?

When I do the following $('#tree').dynatree("option","initAjax",{url:""}); I want dynatree to forget about current tree data and reload with new data from the specified url instead. But I find it does not do that by…
Mr Coder
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3 answers

dynatree - How to scroll to active node?

I have dynatree with fixed height and vertical scrollbar. node.activate(); selects the node i'm searching for, but doesnt move the vertical scrollbar, so i have to scroll manualy to see active node. How do i scroll it programmaticlly? Thanks to…
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4 answers

JQuery Dynatree - search node by name

I would like to start using Dynatree on my page, however I will probably need searching my tree by name. Do you know maybe how to do this?
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1 answer

Dynatree jquery plugin add custom properties to node

I would like to add new properties to DynatreeNode class. For example in methods OnSelect I want to use node.myproperty. node.myproperty value is calculated from some DOM element. Is there a way to do this? I tried using jQuery extend, but it…
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3 answers

How can I select child node programmatically, in dynatree?

I'm using jQuery's dynaTree in my application and I want to select the all the child nodes programmatically when a parent node is selected. The structure of my tree is as follows
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Muhammad Adeel Zahid
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1 answer

js dynatree plugin from

I want to disable selection of all nodes, except leafs. I mean, user should be able to select (radiobutton check) nodes only if it's leaf node of the tree. I see the docs and is indicated to use: {title: "Sub-item 4.3 (hideCheckbox)", hideCheckbox:…
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1 answer

Dynatree - javascript Add Edit & Delete node

Need your help and Thanks alot in advance. I am trying to do the Add, Edit and delete the node using Dyna tree. Following things am trying. When i click Add button by selecting any node then new node with textbox to be added and should take node…
Mohammed Farooq
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3 answers

jQuery - dynatree lazy loading and multi-hier (type 3) selectMode

I'm using dynatree with the selectMode set to 3 (multi-hier). I'm also using checkboxes, so when you select a folder, all children below it are also selected. I have have (and need) lazy loading enabled. The problem is that dyna tree does not load…
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4 answers

DynaTree has two highlighted nodes on right click after left click

My problem is whenever I left click a dynatree node then right click another dynatree node to display my context menu the node which was left clicked remains highlighted in blue so I end up with two nodes in blue. If I then right click successive…
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0 answers

How to check check box in dynatree by id

i am having dynatree, whose is in form of 'TD_1','TD_3','TD_7'. I am storing this id's into db. Then i am having dropdown, whose change event will give me that id i.e TD_3. Using which i have to select the…
4 answers

JQuery DynaTree plugin - how to invoke hyperlink

I have a link on web page
  • mylink In my js script I have $(document).ready(function() { $("#tree").dynatree({ persist: true, onPostInit: function(isReloading, isError) { …
  • chz
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    Dynatree select first node as default selected node.

    I am creating dynatree. I want to set first node of dynatree to be selected on opening dynatree. I set select= tree in json for first element. but it does't work. I want to skip adding select property in json. It is better to get something on…
    Hemant Malpote
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    Disbale the drag and drop in between two dyna tress

    I have Two Dyna tress. Want to have drag and drop within the tree but not in between the tress.Please guide me how to disbale the drag and drop in between the tress. $("#tree1") .dynatree( { …
    3 answers

    How to set a specific icon for each node in dynatree

    I have a class that represents an icon. How can I use this class to show the icon that I want for the node instead of the default ones ?
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    How to get Dynatree's parent node details

    Is there any way to find dynatree's root node details? Supposed tree has 5 level and i selected fifth level's node . I want to get selected nodes and its parents details till root. Thanks in advance.
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