Questions tagged [jquery-dynatree]

Dynatree is a JavaScript tree view plugin for jQuery with support for persistence, keyboard, multiple selection, drag and drop, and dynamic Ajax loading.

Dynatree is a JavaScript tree view plugin for jQuery with support for persistence, keyboard, multiple selection, drag and drop, and dynamic Ajax loading.

Main features

  • Optimized for large dynamic trees (DOM elements are only created when really needed).
  • Programmable through a rich object oriented interface.
  • Support for lazy loading and Ajax.
  • Checkboxes and hierarchical selection
  • Supports drag and drop.
  • Support for persistence.
  • Keyboard aware.
  • Initializes from HTML code, JSON, or JavaScript objects.

Quick start

  • Include jQuery and dynatree libraries.
  • Add a element where the tree should appear.
  • Initialize the dynatree object when the page is loaded.


104 questions
1 answer

Dynatree dnd IE8 - when folder is expanded dragged item disappears and dragging stops

When the dragged item is hovering over collapsed node - the node expands but the item disappears and the dragging stops. This is only happening in IE8, and it can bee seen in dynatree example browser…
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2 answers

Disable/enable context menu for jQuery Dynatree not working

I am using the jQuery dynatree along with the context menu found here. The issue I'm having is that I can't get the enable/disable of the context menu or individual items in the menu to work. The plugin says I should be able to do…
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1 answer

Dynatree - Open link in a new window many time

With dynatree I want to open the link selected by the user in a new window and to have the new window focused. I obtained this so: if ( {; return stop; …
1 answer

DynaTree: How do you expand all children ( downstream node levels) from a active node?

I've got a 4 level tree and would like to expand all of its children (and children's children) when a level 2 node is activated. I can determine the current activate node level with: if(node.getLevel() == 2)... I thought something…
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Dynatree on event show siblings or change data dynamically

Can data that DynaTree uses be changed dynamically? I have a complete set of data that relates to dynatree, but I want to display only a certain branch of the tree so I iterate over the data and take the node I want and create the tree, this works…
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1 answer

How to change the top left margin of Jquery dynatree?

In the ui.dynatree.js, what is the property/value that needs to be changed for the tree to appear at top left corner of the page? i.e. there should be no left and right margin. I am unable to find that one value that needs to changed. Can anyone…
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0 answers

jQuery - dynatree multi select from one tree view to another

How can I drag and drop (multiple) items from one tree view to another by using Dyna tree? I can only select one item from one tree and drag and drop to another. How do I enable multi-selection and drag and drop? This is my current…
1 answer

Attempt to get node but dynatree tree don't reload completely yet

Everybody hi Have such script template tree.reload() tree.activateKey(); so, it reloads tree and then get focus for special node. But get such situation - activateKey starts when tree is reloading and don't get node we need because it doesn't load…
Alexei Izotov
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1 answer

Dynatree "got invalid load event"

Im working on a project related to nested folder structure, This folder structure was implemented through dynatree concept. We store the visited folder id (unique id) to map the tree node. When we refresh the page we used to invoke the previously…
Vijay Wilson
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jQuery / Dynatree: How to populate dynatree dynamically using asynchronous ajax call?

Hi I'm new to dynatree, but I find it very cool. I am trying to use this treeview in my app where I need to populate the tree based on dropdown slection event in my page. The tree will be initially and will only needs to be populated based on the…
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1 answer

What does it mean when a node is activated in dynatree?

From this source node.activate() Activate this node - according to flag - and fire a onActivate event. If activeVisible option is set, all parents will be expanded as necessary. Focus is not…
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1 answer

How to add drop down as child node in jquery dynatree

How can I add a dropdown as a child node for jquery dynatree? I have tried it, But it's not working. However adding a text field as node works fine.
1 answer

Dynatree addChild - question for the component's author I would like to clarify the following: when addChild is invoked - does the whole tree gets re-rendered or just the nodes modified (added nodes and the nodes that have new children)? I am getting 2…
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2 answers

Dynatree : select all sibling nodes automatically when selecting a node

How can I automatically select all sibling nodes when clicking on a node of dyna tree? I have tried some codes but it's not working.
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2 answers

Can a node in dynatree have several parents?

Using this I know the answer is probably no, but I want to verify this: can a node have several parents in this component?
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