Questions tagged [jovo-framework]

Jovo is the first open source framework that lets you build voice apps for both Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant with only one code base


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49 questions
1 answer

Use multiple voices in a single Alexa skill?

I would like to use multiple Alexa voices in a single skill. Is this possible? I know there is Amazon Polly, but what SSML do you use to use the different characters. I've tried looking online and I've come up with nothing. let speech = 'Your…
Ben J
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"The agent returned an empty TTS" when action is not opened separately to asking an intent

When I invoke the skill with 'okay Google, ask {skillname} to {utterance}' I get the response 'The agent returned an empty tts" and the conversation closes. It doesn't even seem to hit my backend - I've tried hosting the backend code on both a local…
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Alexa skill not asking for permission (notification) when enabling the skill via voice

The skill in question asks for one permission when enabling in Web or app (Outbound Notification). But, when implemented Skill Enabled Event it's not asking user to give notification permission or not. Skill enablement works itself but permission is…
2 answers

Error: Resource name 'foo' does not match 'projects/*/agent'

I'm trying to create a new Entity on DialogFlow: const dialogflow = require('dialogflow'); /** * trains the NLP to recognize language constructs */ export function intTraining() { const ENTITY_DEFINITION_BOOLEAN = { parent: 'foo', …
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3 answers

handling PromiseRejection in node.js

I've just started working with javascript for the first time. From googling I have only been able to find examples of handling promise rejection through functions that have been written by you. My problem is that app.getInput("key"); is not…
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TypeError compiling Vue web component

I'm running a TypeScript based Vue project and am trying to build it as a web component using @vue/web-component-wrapper. Related code: // main.ts import JovoWebClientVue, { JovoWebClientVueConfig } from 'jovo-client-web-vue'; import Vue from…
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Open my app(Deep-link) from custom intent in JOVO

I am using Jovo framework to develop Google-assistant actions Here is the scenario I need, Talk to My Notes. Add "Hello world" Using Jovo framework and dialogFlow fullfillment, I captured ADD intent app.setHandler({ ADD() { if…
1 answer

How to test NEW_USER handler in JOVO , with google home

I am developing a new google home app. The google action is written in Dialogflow. The web hook is written in node js using JOVO framework. The action requires account linking with OAUTH. I am trying to simulate and test "first time user" or "new…
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Is there a UI for creating the Jovo Language Model Json?

I was wondering if Jovo has a UI for editing the Jovo Language Model in a similar fashion as Alexa Skill and DialogFlow.
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Alexa activates intent even though the slot.value does not exist in the JSON file

So I have this intent: 'PlayRadioIntent': function(channel) { this.setSessionAttribute('RadioName', channel); this.followUpState('PlayConfirmationState') …
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1 answer

Alexa how to implement intent confirmation?

I am having trouble with implementing a confirmation for an intent. The documentation is really vague. I am currently using jovo framework in writing my code with nodeJs which saved me a ton of time. This is an example of how I want to confirm the…
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My 'app name' not accepted in Actions on Google simulator, only "test app"

I'm setting up about my 10th (test/demo) Action on Google, and the simulator ONLY supports me starting my brand new app via "Talk to my test app". How do I get to the point I can say "Talk to {my app name here}"? IN THE PAST, after setting up all…
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How to ask the user for a precise time including timezone on DialogFlow?

I've created an Intent on DialogFlow that expects a user to supply an entity for time, using responses such as: "I'm looking to arrange for about Eight O'Clock" "Quarter past nine tonight." "I'm thinking around ten past five." DialogFlow has been…
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Google Action not responding sometimes

My Google Assistant Action reports at irregular intervals that my API endpoint is not responding: "Google Assistant Action is not responding". After a few minutes I get the message: "Google Assistant Action is now healthy". My API endpoint is a Jovo…
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How can i make Jovo work with the latest NODE version?

I just installed Jovo to try it out and as soon as i use "jovo run" i get into the "XHR poll error" in my terminal. I have found out through a website that some people say it is because of the NODE version. Is it possible to have multiple NODE…
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