Questions tagged [epic]

EPIC - Eclipse Perl Plugin (IDE)

EPIC - Perl Editor and IDE for Eclipse

EPIC is an open source Perl IDE (including editor and debugger) based on the Eclipse platform, compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Whether you are into CGI scripting or full-fledged Perl projects with hundreds of modules, EPIC is the most feature-rich and extensible free Perl IDE available today, thanks to a seamless integration with all the major features and GUI conventions of Eclipse. (Homepage)

106 questions
4 answers

JIRA: Epics vs Labels vs Components

This blog has a definition of epics in JIRA: Epics are significantly larger bodies of work. Epics are feature-level work that encompasses many user stories. Using the above example, an epic might be the entire account management feature and the…
Adam Parkin
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1 answer

LLVM compiler infrastructure for VLIW architectures

Do you know how strong VLIW architectures (or EPIC, like Itanium) support exists in LLVM compiler infrastructure? Are there good documents/slides materials on this?
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2 answers

eclipse no autoinsertion for EPIC (Perl Plugin)

I want to use Eclipse to do my Perl programming. For this purpose I have installed the EPIC-Plugin. But how do I get the EPIC plugin to automatically insert the templates? Or the shebang? This is possible with Java-Class files out-of-the-box. Why…
2 answers

Eclipse Perl Remote Execution

This question is more to do with the eclipse than programming. But any programmer who has used eclipse should have some inputs for me. Here is my requirement: I have eclipse (with EPIC) installed on my Windows 7 PC. I do not have any perl binary…
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2 answers

Why can't I get Eclipse / EPIC to display line numbers?

I installed EPIC, but I cannot see the line number even I enable line number, any idea?
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3 answers

How to make (EPIC perl) plugin on eclipse do syntax coloring for a file that does not have .pl extension

I have to work on a file that for a variety of reasons cannot be renamed to have a .pl extension. So far I have worked by creating a private version, changing its name to have a .pl extension and then copying it back again after changes. It is now…
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6 answers

Is there a JIra query which will return all stories without an EPIC?

I'm trying to tidy up our Jira board and create an accurate story map. To do that I need to come up with a query that will return open user stories within a certain project that don't have any issue links (preferably 'related to (primary)')- the…
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1 answer

Why does the Perl debugger not stop at breakpoints with do, but stops with require?

While using Perl EPIC debugger in Eclipse, Why the execution is not stopping at the Breakpoints in 'do' module, but stops at 'require' module? use strict; #use sample; # <-- Execution stops at breakpoint in printMessage() of…
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2 answers

Run Eclipse EPIC Perl Plugin on Remote Project/Files

I recently started a new job, where all development is done on a remote dev server. I really like Eclipse as a centralized development environment for all the different stuff I'm working on, and am not a particularly big fan of emacs or vi. I'll use…
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2 answers

Why is E-P-I-C unable to detect PadWalker?

I have Eclipse (3.5-32) on my Unix machine. I have installed E-P-I-C updates for the stable 0.5.x and PadWalker (1.5). Since I am a local user with no sudo rights I have installed PadWalker in a different folder. I have set this path as the…
2 answers

How do I "collapse all" folds using Perl EPIC

I see there's an option to set the hot keys for "Collapse All" in the Eclipse Preferences, but that doesn't seem to do anything. The only way I can get code to fold, other than manually, is by setting code folding to take place when the file is…
Tony Lukasavage
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2 answers

Eclipse IDE - Background color

Possible Duplicate: Change background color of UI elements in eclipse IDE As you all probably know, the default is plain white or should I say, glowing-eye-killer-white. I'm looking for a color scheme to make it more eye friendly, does anyone…
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3 answers

Are there any decent Perl plugins for Eclipse?

I'm using EPIC, but it seems to have some drawbacks. Are there any other Perl plugins for Eclipse?
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1 answer

How do I get code coverage of Perl CGI script when executed by Selenium?

I'm using Eclipse EPIC IDE to write some Perl CGI scripts which call some Perl modules that I have also written. The EPIC IDE lets me configure a Perl CGI "run configuration" which runs my CGI script. And then I've got Selenium set up and one of…
Kurt W. Leucht
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2 answers

How to make Eclipse/EPIC work with perlbrew

I'm using Eclipse/EPIC for programming/debugging and perlbrew to switch between perl versions. For any reason Eclipse/EPIC doesn't recognize switching the perl versions initiated by perlbrew. Switching the version is persistent but does only effect…
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