Questions tagged [jint]

Jint is a JavaScript interpreter for .NET.

Jint is a script engine based on the JavaScript language. Using Jint, developers can provide fully scriptable applications, execute .NET code without compiling, or create external configuration logic, using the most used script language.

Jint aims at providing every JavaScript functionalities to .NET applications, and bindings to .NET languages can be done in both sides. Jint scripts can use any .NET object from your application, and use every part of the .NET base class library.

Jint has been rewritten completely and is now hosted on Github.

Jint Information (codeplex archive)

104 questions
1 answer

Load a DOM and Execute javascript, server side, with .Net

I would like to load a DOM using a document (in string form) or a URL, and then Execute javascript functions (including jquery selectors) against it. This would be totally server side, in process, no client/browser. Basically I need to load the dom…
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4 answers

How do I load a JavaScript file with Jint in C#?

I want to load a JavaScript file using Jint, but I can't seem to figure it out. The documentation said I could do something like, but it doesn't appear to be loading any files. Do I need to do something special with the file…
Daniel X Moore
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2 answers

Explain How Jint Works

I would like to understand how Jint, a JavaScript Intrepreter written in C# works. Specifically: How does it makes use of Antlr? Which parts, if any, or this project are novel, and which parts represent a port of an existing JS Intrepreter to…
Josh Pearce
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0 answers

IActiveScriptParse32::ParseScriptText Memory Leak

Has anybody ever faced a memory leak problem with IActiveScriptParse32::ParseScriptText when using it in C#? I need a ScriptEngine that is able to parse JavaScript-Code. (Everything works fine, except the used memory) The problem is, that the longer…
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3 answers

Jint + XNA (C#)

Is it possible to use jint to manipulate a 3D environment created with XNA (C#), and to add functionality to this environment (again using jint)?
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1 answer

Is anyone doing visual debugging with Jint?

I've been using Jint to run server-side JavaScript code and I'm liking it a lot so far. The one issue I'm having is debugging. JInt exposes events that can fire when a statement is executed or a breakpoint is hit. As mentioned on the Web site, it…
Andy West
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1 answer

predicate serialization

Let's say that I have a bit of .NET code... public class EventEnvelope { public Dictionary Headers { get; set; } public byte[] Body { get; set; } } public class EventSelector { public Predicate>…
John Ruiz
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1 answer

Is "Jint - Javascript Interpreter for .NET" reliable?

I've seen jint in Codeplex. It looks very interesting. Have you used it? Is 0.8.4 stable and usable in your opinion? (production quality?)
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1 answer

JInt require another js file

I am looking a way to include another js file natively in JInt (javascript interpreter for C# Unity). I understand that I can simple concatenate all my js files to one string and run it via normal way. But I don't want to specify exact files to load…
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3 answers

How to Enumerate a Dictionary<> in Jint

I have a .NET Generic Dictionary<> that I want to pass to a JavaScript function which I am running in Jint. Jint doesn't treat the .NET Dictionary like a JavaScript object which can be treated like a Dictionary. You can access the .NET properties…
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2 answers

Export global function using webpack

I'm trying to write an isomorphic module. The server javascript is going to run inside of JINT. I have created a webpack bundle specifically to build the server version of the module. I want to expose a single function that I can get JINT to call.…
Jack Allan
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1 answer

DynamicObject and Jint

I want to use DynamicObject class under Jint and I have built a sample to do it. First assert is correctly passes but fails at second assert. Is there any way to do it or do you know any other javascript engine that makes it possible ? public void…
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1 answer

Communication between Jint and JavaScript

I am looking for a way to communicate (back and forth) between Jint and C#. Is there a way? I have no problem of running JavaScripts in Jint after loading them to the engine but I still have an issue getting the callbacks on the other hand - from…
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1 answer

How to create timer on JINT Javascript side

I´m developing a C# project using JINT (, and I need to create a timer on my JS so it can execute a function on my javascript every time the timer tim set is elapsed. How can I accomplish that?. I have used…
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2 answers

C# non-static class inside static class JINT

Hi trying to make a class inside a static class to use in JINT but when it's referenced I get an error C# code namespace Hi { public static class Ok { public class Wowa { public Wowa(){} } } } But when I try to…
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