Questions tagged [jenkins-plugins]

Jenkins is an open source continuous integration software. It is extensible by Plugins which are developed by the core team, users, and developers. There are currently 1300+ plugins available for Jenkins.

The complete list of plugins is available here.

What questions should have this tag?

Any questions about Jenkins plugins, plugin development, and plugin use may be tagged with jenkins-plugins.

To learn more about Jenkins plugins:

Visit "Extend Jenkins" and "Customize Jenkins"

6553 questions
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Jenkins plugin git-parameter fetch working only once

I'm using Git-parameter plugin into Jenkins to build specific tag/branches. It was correctly working but now (not sure it's following and update or something) it's failing in a strange way: If I create a new job (or duplicate a failing one) add the…
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How to write on Jenkins console output?

I'm coding a library for my Jenkins pipelines. I would like to print different formats for my messages, like [INFO], [WARNING] and so on. So far I have this: import def call(body) { def config = [:] body.resolveStrategy =…
Valter Silva
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How to install jenkins plugins in offline mode

I am sitting behind proxy. I can not bypass it as I am not allowed to download anything on this linux box. I don't have root privilege either. I have deployed jenkins.war on apache tomcat. Also, downloaded all necessary Jenkins plugins and placed it…
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Jenkins - ERROR: Reference path does not exist

I got an error message when I use sub-modules in Jenkins that are referencing bitbucket as source control system. Windows Server 2012 R2 Jenkins version: Jenkins ver. 2.73.1 Bitbucket: Private The ssh key authentication is fine as I can download the…
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Jenkins shared groovy library git merge triggering jobs

I'm using a shared groovy library in my pipelines. I'm finding that when ever I merge to my library, a subset of jobs (but not all) that use the library are being triggered. I've looked at the shared library configuration and verified that "Include…
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Display 2 Jenkins jobs build number in a single drop down

I have 3 Jenkins plan . Plan A , B, C I need to display the build numbers of Plan A and B in Plan C's Drop down. I have displayed Plan A's build number in Plan C's Drop down. with the below code: def jobname="A" def…
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How to remote trigger parameterized jenkins jobs with R code?

How can I remotely trigger a Jenkins job with the help of an R code? When I post this URL in my browser it works- https://JENKINSURL/job/PROJECT/buildWithParameters?token=TOKEN&day=20171001 Not sure how to replicate this with my R code. I used the…
Arpit Solanki
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git parameter plugin : how to separate between 2 repositories on pipline job?

I m using git parameter plugin on pipeline job I need to get all branches from two different repositories this is my script #!groovy node{ checkout scm properties ([ …
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Jenkins active choice plugins and scriptler plugin

I see that both Jenkins ActiveChoice plugins and Scriptler plugin are being deprecated. I know how to download them. My question is what is the alternatives for Active Choice parameter? What is the alternative of using Scriptler in Jenkins?…
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How to pass TFS's changes from one job to other through pipeline steps

I have one step in Jenkins called xxx-Checkout to trigger the TFS checkout and get the code, then that job triggers a pipeline which builds another job called xxx-Build. The question is how can I pass the checkout's changes to the pipeline job…
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Jenkins pipeline - add regex in checkout step

I have a Jenkins pipeline trigerred by Post-receive Hook sent from git. Push hook is configured receiving standard syntax from git plugin doc ( curl…
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Jenkins Active Choices Parameter plugin not working as expected

I have a hidden parameter in Jenkins called platformType. I want to display choices based on the parameter platformType. I created the following groovy script but it doesn't work if (platformType.equals("android")) { return ['7.0', '6.0'] } else…
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Docker slave is not a JNLP agent issue

we are using jenkinsci/slave image to create slave in jenkins but while executing curl command facing below issue in that container slave INFO: [JNLP4-connect connection to] Local headers refused by remote:…
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Is it possible to place a breakpoint inside of a Jenkinsfile for debugging?

Right now sorting out a good workflow using Jenkinsfiles is a bit slow since I have to create a job, and run it from the UI in order to get feedback on whether or not it works. I was wondering if there was a way to place a breakpoint inside of a…
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Jenkins plugin details

In the Jenkins about page (Manage Jenkins > About Jenkins) I can see the list of plugins installed (under License and dependency information for plugins section). However I noticed few plugin names are striked through. Is it because of any version…
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