Questions tagged [jenkins-plugins]

Jenkins is an open source continuous integration software. It is extensible by Plugins which are developed by the core team, users, and developers. There are currently 1300+ plugins available for Jenkins.

The complete list of plugins is available here.

What questions should have this tag?

Any questions about Jenkins plugins, plugin development, and plugin use may be tagged with jenkins-plugins.

To learn more about Jenkins plugins:

Visit "Extend Jenkins" and "Customize Jenkins"

6553 questions
1 answer

Jenkins CloudFoundry plugin timeout

We are using Jenkins CF plugin to deploy. Frequently, we run into issues where the Plugin simply timesout with the below: 00:46:06 Cloud Foundry Plugin: 00:48:07 java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException 00:48:07 at…
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3 answers

Control who can run jobs on a specific slave

I've been trying to control the ability of running jobs on a specific node but unfortunately haven't found a plugin or a built in function for it. Trying my luck here. I need to * Control users who can configure jobs to run on a specific slave. *…
1 answer

How to manage slave resources with Jenkins?

By default, slave resources such as CPU and RAM are handled in a very basic way in Jenkins: by setting the number of executors, which is the number of allowed concurrent builds on this particular slave. However, different jobs have different needs…
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Passing values between promotions in Jenkins

I have a Jenkins job with two promotions steps. The first promotion creates a Jira ticket. The 2nd promotion needs to close the Jira ticket created in the first promotion. How can I pass the Jira ticket information (ie key/id) from the first…
Ivory Micky
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1 answer

Jenkins: Passing a variable between scripts, and accessing it on a post build actions

I have a Jenkins job, with SCM from bitbucket, two shell scripts, and a post build action publishing the result to Slack. Naively I want to pass a concluded variable in the first shell script to the second, add some information to that variable in…
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1 answer

Trigger jenkins job via jira-trigger-plugin

I set the jenkins job to trigger via jira-trigger-plugin. But jenkins job is not triggered although it get the webhook event from JIRA. I checked things as below. Jenkins got the webhook event. I checked this on jenkins log. I tried to set various…
1 answer

Getting a second parameter based on the first parameter in Jenkins

I have a task where my Jenkins job needs two parameters for build. The first specifies the application name and can be either QA, Dev, Prod etc and the second is a server which is dependent on the first one. Example: If I chose the app name as QA,…
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Jenkins: Pass variable in JS file

Hey I'm trying to pass some information in to a JS file. The case: My goal is it, to build Dashboards with Grafana, over scripted dashboards. The script works fine and now I want to add a hostname to the script. The hostname should be hardcoded in…
0 answers

DiskCheck Plugin shows that total space available is 0

The Jenkins DiskCheck plugin shows that the available workspace is 0. But the drive has several Gb of space available. What could be wrong? Jenkins: v2.88 DiskCheck Plugin: v0.3 Slave: Linux Ubuntu 14.03 w/ Java8 13:42:15 Disk space threshold is set…
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2 answers

Jenkins Async Resource Disposer issue

So, Jenkins has this async resource disposer plugin which I have it installed. My question: Is there a way to clean up the resources that the plugin collects because if I don't clean up manually, it seems to consume more and more CPU every time?…
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1 answer

Jenkins Active Choices Cascading Choice for 3 Parameters Not Working

I have a Jenkins job with 3 parameters (Environment, Branch, Version) Using the Active Choices plugin. If Developers are deploying to Prod - I don't want them to be able to push a build from trunk. At present the dependency of params looks like this…
0 answers

Auto upload app on App Store using Jenkins

I would like to upload app using Jenkins on Mac. I had tried with Relution Enterprise Appstore Publisher plugin but getting below error while uploading app. [MultiRequestUploader] Error uploading file (502), server's…
2 answers

Google OAuth plugin for jenkins

I have installed the Google Login plugin on Jenkins 2.86: and followed this guide: Login to the Google Developers Console Create a new project Under APIs & Auth -> Credentials, Create a new…
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1 answer

Build Failure Analyzer Plugin does not find failure cause

I've defined a failure cause, and when I "Match Text" against a build log, it matches. But when I do a new build, I still no identified problems. But still, when I match the failure cause against that new build, it matches. What might I be missing?
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1 answer

Can I use Jenkins Artifactory Plugin (DSL) to invoke the Artifactory REST API?

I can't find the complete Artifactory DSL documentation. There are examples of how to do some things with DSL on the "Working With Pipelines Jobs on Jenkins", but how do we know what else is available besides upload(), download(), newBuildInfo(),…