Questions tagged [jekyll-extensions]

plugins for the Jekyll CMS

Jekyll has a plugin system with hooks that allow you to create custom generated content specific to your site. You can run custom code for your site without having to modify the Jekyll source itself.

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215 questions
1 answer

How do I monkey-patch a Jekyll extension or plugin?

I'd like to override a gem method (a Jekyll extension) that looks like this: File: lib/jekyll-amazon/amazon_tag.rb. module Jekyll module Amazon class AmazonTag < Liquid::Tag def detail(item) ... end end …
Scott C Wilson
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3 answers

Prevent line-wraps of code blocks using jekyll, kramdown, and rouge

Using kramdown and rouge for markdown syntax-highlighting in a jekyll blog, I'd like to prevent long lines of code from wrapping onto a new line. I'd like to be able to use a horizontal scrollbar to reveal the rest of the content. Here is the jekyll…
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Macro in Liquid Template language

I'm using Jekyll, which uses the Liquid Template language. I've used Jinja templating in the past, and it has the concept of a macro (just a named function). Does Liquid have something which provides equivalent functionality? If not, is there some…
Ellis Michael
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4 answers

How to include autoprefixer for Jekyll

New to Jekyll and new to Ruby I tried to include autoprefixer-rails for my (s)css files directly into Jekyll. So once the page is generated by Jekyll autoprefixer would run over my generated css files. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to set things…
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2 answers

CSS file not found when pushing a Jekyll project to gh-pages remote branch and using jekyll-compass

I was building my site with css and everything was working fine, both locally and remotely. Then I wanted to switch to sass. I installed jekyll-compass and now my sass files are being output as css files in my _site/css folder. Everything works well…
3 answers

ERROR: Error installing jekyll: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension

My system has: ruby 2.0.0p451 (2014-02-24) [x64-mingw32] gem -version 2.2.2 devKit : DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2-20130224-1432-sfx.exe When I try to run gem install jekyll, I get this error: D:\devKit>gem install jekyll Temporarily enhancing PATH to…
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2 answers

How can you access page properties (YAML front matter) within a converter plugin

I'm writing a converter plugin for Jekyll and need access to some of the page header (YAML front matter) properties. Only the content is passed to the main converter method and does not seem possible to access the context. Example: module Jekyll …
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3 answers

wrong argument type String (expected Array)

I'm trying to use Octopress (a blogging engine on top of Jekyll) on my new Macbook, and I get this error when I run bundle exec jekyll --server: (shortened path) /path/to/markdown.rb:118:in `to_html': wrong argument type String (expected Array)…
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1 answer

How to paginate posts by author

What I'm trying to do We know Jekyll can use front matter variables like tags and categories and access them with site.tags and site.categories to iterate over them using liquid. Now my problem is that I can't do this with a custom front matter…
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0 answers

Display page views based on Google Analytics in Jekyll

Is there any way to display page views based on Google Analytics on a Jekyll site? We’ve been using jekyll-ga plugin, but it hasn’t been updated in a very long time. So updating, for example, google-api-client (to use it with the newest version of…
1 answer

Jekyll - Get all folders in a directory and generate pages

I have a folder structure like so: /gallery/images/category1/ /gallery/images/category2/ /gallery/images/category3/ /gallery/images/category4/ /gallery/images/category5/ and so on.. Inside each of these folders, there are a bunch of images.…
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How can I change the default tab size in highlighted code in Jekyll 3.0?

If I did: {% highlight C %} .... code {% endhighlight %} For any tab I use between the highlighted C, I'd like the tab size to be 2 rather than 4. Doing {% highlight C tabsize=2 %} doesn't seem to work in Jekyll 3. The answers I have seen on SO…
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2 answers

Support for adding lazy load for images in Markdown

I'm using kramdown parser to convert markdown to html. I want to use lazy load for images without modifying original markdown syntax. I can achieve this by editing link.rb file in kramdown gems. But I don't want to follow this way. Because if…
Arasu RRK
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1 answer

Why is the site.categories array not being output in Jekyll?

I'm building pages (not posts) in Jekyll. One page defines 2 categories in the front-matter as follows: categories: [document, new] And then in a layout I'm trying to output the categories object/array, but nothing is being output:

Array: {{…

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yaml front matter in a haml file

I am attempting to use the haml-jekyll-extension only I do not understand how to include yaml front matter? I have the following: --- user: hello --- !!! %html %title RudyIndustries %body %h1 Hello World! {{ page.user }} but it ends up…
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