Questions tagged [jekyll-extensions]

plugins for the Jekyll CMS

Jekyll has a plugin system with hooks that allow you to create custom generated content specific to your site. You can run custom code for your site without having to modify the Jekyll source itself.

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215 questions
1 answer

Embedding Markdown in blockquote plugin in Octopress

I like the functionality of the blockquote plugin for Octopress ( It would give me a nice way of attributing the quote to the author. However, I could not figure out how to blockquote content that is in…
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2 answers

Why is using the highlight tag for syntax highlighting mking code disappear?

I am using Jekyll with pigments to highlight some code in my blog and any code in the highlights tag seems to disappear, i.e. no Html generated. Here is an example of some such code {% highlight java %} ObjectMapper mapper = new…
Usman Ismail
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1 answer

Matching subset patterns in split string results

Here's a more complex one for me: I have content like this being pulled into a jekyll post: # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore. ~ # Et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,…
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1 answer

Implementing a evaluation system using jekyll

I am improving a website that was created using Jekyll. This site is a blog for an enterprise, and there are some texts there. I need a plugin, which let the readers evaluate the texts. However, I haven't found any. Can anyone help me?
2 answers

How to do base64 encoding in Jekyll

I'm stucking with this problem. Is there anyway to encode string to base64 in Jekyll? I want to make json files for every posts in my blog before or after I push the codes to Github Pages. - - -…
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