I'm trying to link all this technologies, but there are many isolated examples and I do not have enough experience to link them together

so my questions: Whether there is a similar example? Is it possible to use UIBinder with Gin? Any recommendations to implement it?

David Underhill
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4 Answers4


The GWT blueprint that we use and works great for us. http://sonymathew.blogspot.com/2010/01/gwt-jee-blueprint.html


My own project is in an early phase, but it has all these technologies. You may want to take a look: http://code.google.com/p/puzzlebazar/

Philippe Beaudoin
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Unfortunately, I don't know of such tutorials (a possible solution would be to get a book on GWT, but I don't know if there are any that deal with GWT 2.0 and Gin) - I'm afraid it's up to you to patch the knowledge from them together, that's what everyone has to do, right? ;) If you have some specific problems feel free to post a question about it, then we could help.
As for the UiBinder + Gin issue - I'm using both technologies and it's a breeze, but that's mainly because I'm also following the MVP (Model View Presenter) architecture/model - that way the view doesn't really has any dependencies and the Presenter does all the work. More on that here: http://code.google.com/events/io/2009/sessions/GoogleWebToolkitBestPractices.html

Igor Klimer
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  • Yeah, is it best practice to generate tons of code for simple application? :) – ziftech Feb 03 '10 at 13:49
  • I don't know about you, but I use GWT for creating rather complex applications - ones were you benefit from using Java as your programming language (as opposed to the nightmare that is JavaScript - IMHO, of course). So I don't really care how much code it takes to write a "HelloWorld" app - on the long run that "more code" will help you (or someone else reading your code) understand what you wrote months to come and make testing/refactoring/further developing a breeze. If you don't see that, I recommend watching that presentation again (and/or reading/watching other materials related to GWT). – Igor Klimer Feb 03 '10 at 14:47
  • I agree that JavaScript nightmare exists and GWT simplify this, but I compare code amount, complexity and configuration understandability Guice+Gin+GWT+other "official" libraries with Spring+Wicket(or another) and my opinion that the first variant is more complex.. It seems that Google libraries need sufficient improvement in case of integration with each other. I would like to standards and out-of-the-box integration and not to spend time on understanding this "magic" .. – ziftech Feb 05 '10 at 09:48
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    To each his/her own, eh? :) I actually hadn't had any major problems with using the "Guice+Gin+GWT+other "official" libraries" mix (including unofficial libraries like gwt-dnd or gwt-log). Adding a new module usually means just updating your project's module xml file and adding the jar to classpath - standard Java stuff, no "magic" here, IMHO. Of course, there's a whole Middle-earth's worth of magic under the hood, so that the whole Java -> JavaScript transition is as smooth as possible (but there are still some "leftovers" in the main code, such as `GWT.create`). – Igor Klimer Feb 05 '10 at 15:12

Here is a nice tutorial. The app is very simple but demonstrates all the basics you need. http://reminiscential.wordpress.com/2010/03/01/building-a-gaegwt-application-using-the-best-practices-index/

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