Questions tagged [javascript-databinding]

This tag is for the application to Javascript of separation-of-concerns approaches such as the Model-View-Controller pattern.

This tag is for the application to JavaScript of separation-of-concerns approaches such as the pattern.

73 questions
1 answer

javascript skrollr update window height based on dynamic content

In my project I have a long scrolling page that has a project grid. when you click on a project, I ajax load that project, then slide open a window pushing the project grid down, displaying the chosen project. Each projects will have different…
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2 answers

Other than data binding, what advantages does backbone.js (or knockout.js) offer

The JavaScript codebase we are using on our website is pretty well structured (outlined here if anyone's interested). I have been looking at integrating backbone.js (or knockout.js, for some of the features) into our code -- but after closer…
1 answer

Simple but tricky Show/Hide Toggle On/Off Combinations driving me bonkers

Have a few divs that need to show/hide and the buttons within need to know when it's on and when it's off. Somehow they need to "communicate with another" to know when to be hidden or visible. Oh yeah, I'd like to keep the smooth fadein/fadeout…
1 answer

the results is repeated in knockout

when I use the || in data-bind, it repeats the results when both are true, but separately work fine, I tried in many ways and all give me the same and when I use with === no results return and without parentheses is the same result
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Knockout button click binding for changing text

I am very new to knockout.js. I was trying a feature where when a user clicks a button the value is changed. Its sort of like a on/off button. I am storing the value on the backend as true and false. Any help would be greatly appreciated. .js…
1 answer

knockout:foreach with table columns inserts extra TR

A jsfiddle explains the problem. I want to use knockout:foreach to generate a list of column headers ( tags) for a table. But if you inspect the DOM, you can see that a is inserted around each , which causes the column headings to all…
Dan Tenenbaum
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Dojo changing scope of data dojo attach point

Can you specify/change the scope of a data-dojo-attach-point to something other than the current widget? eg. I have a templated widget called parent. In that template I have another widget called child1. Nested in child1, I have some widgets. I want…
0 answers

Angular2 - Two way databinding on each index of array

In my project a product can have multiple price lists. Each price list can contain different price of that particular product. When i edit a product i want to fetch all the prices of that product according to their price list. I can successfully…
1 answer

Change event is not triggering for JSONModel

I have model called resources i need to listen to the change event i have attached the binding as below var resModel = this.getModel("resources"); var resBinding = new Binding(resModel, "resources>/resources",…
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1 answer

Binding to primitive value on controller

I am trying to bind to a boolean variable on my controller's scope to indicate whether or not a loading animation should be displayed. However, the following code does not work. The function inside $timeout runs, but the view is not updated. When…
1 answer

Polymer iron-ajax call and how to modify/filter the response before binding happens?

Polymer iron-ajax call and how to modify/filter the response before binding happens? code wise is something like this:
0 answers

How Can I bind dataSource to Webform Grid in $Ajax Function

I am working on existing webform application. I have strongly typed data list. Now I have dropdown in ASP.NET webform page, so when user choose item from dropdown list, ajax call WebMethod which will return student list accordingly, Now because I am…
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How to display JS object property in HTML element and update HTML as soon as attribute/property changes

Currently I am writing an application that consists of hundreds of JS objects asynchronously being updated in the background. Multiple panels, created with iframes can be used to visualize the various objects in HTML. The challenge: as soon as an…
1 answer

two side data binding javascript library usage for multiscreen application

I am a c# developer and I am writing kiosk applications. Our kiosks has two screens. One screen for customer and one screen for operator. Customer can input personal information from touch screen. I wonder how do I handle multiple screens in a html…
1 answer

Encoded character breaks Knockout js data bind on IE8

I'm having a very strange issue on IE8 (and only on IE version lower than 8). The problem is in attr binding, if I put encoded email string (with %26, %40 and etc.) the page won't render the data binds in text field ('' in the…