Questions tagged [javascript-databinding]

This tag is for the application to Javascript of separation-of-concerns approaches such as the Model-View-Controller pattern.

This tag is for the application to JavaScript of separation-of-concerns approaches such as the pattern.

73 questions
1 answer

How to bind the selection state of a button

I am trying to bind the selection state of button (selected or not selected) with aria-pressed or aria-checked property. But in none of the case sreen reader is announcing the value. I tried like: 1. data-bind="attr:{'aria-checked':…
1 answer

ng-options expression with key value

I was trying to achieve cascading drop downs based on country , state , city found from the below links that i had attached and i was confusing with the regular expression for ng-options using array's and ng-option's with key value pair. i have…
1 answer

Polymer: Checkbox elements not being updated after changing the checked property

I am writing a sample program in polymer. I have a template as shown below: