Questions tagged [javafx-tableview]

34 questions
1 answer

Table where each cell equals to one object not the row

So usually a table row equals to one object. Example each Person Object equals to one row in the table. In my case I have a class Lesson which looks like this: public class Lesson { private Room schoolRoom; private Room teachingRoom; …
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CustomResizePolicy not triggering when a column's header's divider is double clicked

I wrote a custom resize policy for a TableView which is similar to TableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY in that the total width of visible columns always equals the width of the table itself. Whenever a column is resized, either by the table being…
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JavaFX TableView: Rapid change in items list not reflected

It is hard to explain so I'll use an example: @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { final VBox vbox = new VBox(); final Scene sc = new Scene(vbox); primaryStage.setScene(sc); final TableView
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Highlight specific item in treetableview or treeview

I have two TreeViews/TreeTableViews. When clicking on a specific TreeItem in one of those Trees I first collapse the other Tree and then expand only the path to the Item that holds the same information. This is already working nicely. What is…
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How to spread the total width amongst all columns on table construction?"

I am trying to write a custom resize policy that acts like TableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY in that it set the total width of all visible to columns to the total available width in the table, so that the horizontal scroll bar never appears. I am…
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Javafx tableview bind changes inside cellValueFactory to table observablelist

I have javafx table which includes member wise monthly charges of an organization. In this table I show some charges with their default amount so that in any case user can update the amount or else proceed as it was.What I actually need is if user…
Madushan Perera
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ClassCasting Error on my JavaFX Application and Issue with Values showing up on tableView

Everything was working fine but then I added generics and now this ClassCastException keeps popping up and I have no idea why. ****Important**** So I tried removing it as well but here's where another issue came up. All the values printed up until…
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How to prevent Javafx Tableview from reloading all displayed Rows, when only certain Items change?

I'm trying to improve the performance of an Application with multiple Tableviews that are constantly being updated. On each update only 1 item inside the ObservableList changes. The reloading of the rows of those Tableviews and applying css-styles…
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about javafx tableview

I want to customize the button of the tableview, but it is empty when I get the show-hide-columns-button in the initialize method. There is a way to get the show-hide-columns-button. @FXML private TableView tableView; @Override …
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Pass array of getters as a function parameter-Java

i'm writing a function to create xls sheets from JFXTableView. XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); XSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("user details"); XSSFRow header = sheet.createRow(0); String arrayOfHeaders [] = {"Sr. No.","Name of the Member",…
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JavaFX Disable TableColumn based on checkbox state

Am looking to disable a TableColumn tableColumn based on a field value in the CustomObject only when the TableColumn tableColumnTwo checkbox is checked. I can disable the textbox inside public void…
John C
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Convert Javafx TableView into two-dimensional array

I am working on a project where I create a javafx tableView that looks like so: JavaFX TableView - Conditions -> Modes I want to take all of the elements out of the table and turn them into a two-dimensional array that looks like: [[A-> C], [B->D]].
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JavaFX, How do I trigger an event if someone check a CheckBox in Tableview

i hava a big problem in JavaFX. I created a TableView an i added some CheckBoxes to the TableView. I want to trigger an event if someone check the Checkbox in the TableView. I tried some different ways but I always have the same problem. I start the…
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How to change the text color of entire row's cells in JavaFX TableView?

I'm trying to change the text color of rows in a TableView. I need to change the text color in every row that the cell in the Deleted column says "Yes". When using the setRowFactory() method, I've tried checking the row data's object isDeleted…
1 answer

How to use descending sorting first when clicking TableView column header?

Javafx TableView sorting uses ascending order first when clicking on a column header, then descending order on second click. I have a table with sports team data with columns for wins, losses etc. Wins should be sorted by default in descending order…
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