Questions tagged [javafx-tableview]

34 questions
1 answer

How to modify the selected tableview according to the tableview cell

I have customized a Hyperlink cell here. I want the tableview to select the content when I click this link, but after I add Hyperlink, the tableview's selected seems to be invalid. tb_uGoodUrl.setCellFactory(new…
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Printing TableView in JavaFX displays junk/other language characters

I'm trying to print a TableView in JavaFX application. When I pass the TableView directly to the PrinterJob.printPage(TableView) the text data is in some other language but the view shows up fine i.e in English on the screen. ... final TableView…
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How to add n- custom cells between two rows

So I am trying to visualize a curricilum as a table. It should look like this: As you can see there are custom cells (+) which are not a lesson. They are buttons. I have two classes: public class Lesson { private Room schoolRoom; private Room…
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JavaFX: How to get all rows in TableView

I'd like to know the best & most efficient way to get JavaFX TableView data to a collection. I want to get all rows inside a JavaFX TableView.
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javafx TableView: Why does the sortOrder listener does not fire when I sort descending?

I have a javafx TableView and I want to know when the sort order of a column changes. I added a listener to the getSortOrder method. However, it only fires when I sort ascending, and never when I sort descending. To test this I used this example…
Christoph S
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JAVAFX : Tableview row selection behaviour

I have the following piece of code to set background Color of a TableRow, column.setCellFactory((TableColumn p) -> { ComboBoxTableCell cell = new ComboBoxTableCell(FXCollections.observableArrayList(0, 1)) { …
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Javafx tableview on checkbox uncheck, disable button on same row but different column

Below image explains how I have populated my table: As you can see, I need to disable the Installments column button once the Collected column checkbox of related row is unchecked and vise versa. Here is my approach so far…
Madushan Perera
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How to select multiple values by using ComboBoxTableCell or ChoiceBoxTableCell in Table View javafx

I have a tableview where user can double click on a column row & Combo Box drop down will appear with list of items. Here problem is user can only select one value at a time instead I want to allow user to select multiple values. Existing…
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java-fx treetableview grouping common tree items

I have a treetableview that i am using to display list of employees with organisation as root item. Now i want to group tree items based on the department they work in. For example: currently i am displaying as mentioned below: current However i…
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Working checkboxes in JavaFX table (CheckBoxTableCell)

(This is similar to a homework question.) I recently made an example UI in Scenebuilder for something I later had to program with Java Swing. That more or less worked. Now it is my task, not for the actual development of the program, but for…
Fabian Röling
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JavaFX 8 TableView not populating from ObservableList (no FXML)

I believe I've searched all of the similar questions, but still am not seeing my issue anywhere. I am populating an ObservableList from a database which is succeeding per my Console output. I have a multiple controller setup for a school project…
Ian Cornett
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What is right way to work with tableview?

For some time i have been trying to get my tableview work as kind of spreadsheet that is updated by background thread and when cell get updated, it for few seconds higlights ( changes style ) and then goes back to original style. I already know,…
David S.
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JavaFX TableView adding extra column for same data

I have a small app. With this app, I can add a new Employee record to a MySQL database and then display these records. buildData() retrieves data from the database and displays it in the TableView, I also call this method every time a new record is…
Ojonugwa Jude Ochalifu
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0 answers

JavaFx Table View Memory leakages

I have created table View in JavaFx 2x,It's has more than 10K rows and each row has 20 columns, Whenever table view is loading java heap old gen memory is increasing and it's not releasing. After loading the same table for 2-3 times(refresh button…
1 answer

Javafx TableCell When start editing, show old value

I have extended the TableCell class to render a date picker. Its graphic is a javafx.scene.control.DatePicker. I have had to do some onKeyPressed handling to handle tab, enter, and escape, and some other customizations to try to get this TableCell…